Popular Photography has reviewed the Casio EX-V7. What makes this little compact attractive is the unorthodox 7x zoom on such a small package.
Just when you’re about to give up hope, in walks Casio, who at January’s CES show, announced that they are making a statement about wimpy little zooms on point and shoot cameras. The 7.2 MP Hi-Zoom Exilim EX-V7 (street $ 400) fits in your shirt pocket and is the latest in Casio’s line of slim, sleek point and shoots. But, unlike the ultra-slim competition, the EX-V7 has a 7x (38-266mm f/3.4 – 5.3 35mm equivalent) optical zoom and a host of other features that make it an attractive option for those who want great features in a small package. Read the rest of the review. . . .