Photography Bay makes use of several advertising methods in order to pay for ever-rising expenses and to help the site grow. For example, monthly server expenses and newsletter distribution cost several hundred dollars each.
Certain advertisers pay for the display of banner ads or for clicks on banners. In these instances, I don’t necessarily endorse any particular advertiser. However, I do try to weed out scammers who buy ads through Google’s AdSense ads and offer bait-and-switch prices. If I see these or if readers notify me of such ads, I will block them from being able to display their ads on Photography Bay.
Certain trusted photography-related retailers or service providers have affiliate relationships with Photography Bay. As a result of these relationships, Photography Bay receives a small commission when someone makes a purchase at an affiliate site after clicking on a link on
These affiliate relationships include B&H Photo, Amazon, Adorama, Think Tank Photo,, Topaz Labs,, and several others. I have specifically chosen with which companies to enter into affiliate relationships based on both industry reputation and personal experience. In all cases, I have had positive personal experiences with these companies and would (and regularly do) recommend them to my closest friends and family members. Additionally, I only seek out affiliate relationships with companies whose products and services I like and can recommend.
In all cases, the products or services through which Photography Bay receives an affiliate commission does not increase the price that Photography Bay readers pay. In some cases, however, it may reduce that price. I work hard to get special deals and discounts for Photography Bay readers, and will pass along special coupon codes or offers that aren’t available (or may otherwise be unknown) to people who visit a retailer or service provider directly through its homepage.
In many cases, affiliate companies provide me with loaner equipment or test gear/software for review Photography Bay; however, such review samples are provided with the understanding that Photography Bay writers cannot and will not promise a favorable review of the product or service. All reviews are based on our honest opinions and requests for revisions will not be considered unless it is clear that an error in our use of the product or service was made.
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Photography Bay is a participant in the Amazon Europe S.à r.l. Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Photography Bay ist Teilnehmer des Partnerprogramms von Amazon Europe S.à.r.l. und Partner des Werbeprogramms, das zur Bereitstellung eines Mediums für Websites konzipiert wurde, mittels dessen durch die Platzierung von Werbeanzeigen und Links zu Werbekostenerstattung verdient werden kann. Photography Bay participe au Programme Partenaires d’Amazon Europe S.à r.l., un programme d’affiliation conçu pour permettre à des sites de percevoir une rémunération grâce à la création de liens vers [insérez le nom du Site concerné