An interesting tidbit from RiceHigh’s Pentax Blog points to a new Pentax DSLR coming on September 9th. His news is based on the Japanese Business Live Calendar, which apparently points to a new DSLR product from Hoya (Pentax’s parent company) on that date.
Additionally, other recent rumors suggest a new Pentax K-5 and K-r DSLR model. The K-5 is rumored to be Pentax’s flagship model and the K-r is more of an entry-level model like the Pentax K-x (above). Rumored specs are listed below.
Pentax K-5 Rumored Specs
- 16 Megapixel Sensor
- Maximum expanded ISO of 25600
- 7 frames per second
- To be officially announced on September 20th
- To be released in October, 2010
- $1600 suggested retail price
Pentax K-r Rumored Specs
- 12 Mexapixel Sensor
- 6 frames per second
- Up to 120 color combinations: 10 body colors, and 12 grip colors
- To be officially announced in September
- To be released in October, 2010
- $875 suggested retail price
[via RiceHigh & Photo Rumors]