Casio has announced the EX-MR1 camera, which is marketed toward teen girls and young women as the ultimate selfie camera. instead of a traditional lens on the front of the camera, Casio used a mirror to cover the face of the camera and put a 21mm-equivalent lens dead in the center.
As selfies go, that’s actually a really good idea. While many have learned to look at the camera lens just above the display on their phones, there are plenty selfies where the subject appears to be looking below the camera because they are looking at the framing of the display rather than the lens above the display.
The Casio EX-MR1 also features skin softening effects and smartphone connectivity via the EXILIM Link app, both of which play directly into the selfie market.
The camera itself features a 14MP sensor and Full HD video capability. While the design certainly makes sense for what it is intended to do, I don’t think that it offers enough to justify the $330 asking price and draw smartphone users to a dedicated selfie camera. The additional steps involved to get the photos on Instagram, SnapChat or another social service make it just a little too clunky.
You can more details about the EX-MR1 here on Casio’s website.
No word on US availability but I doubt it will make it over here.