Manfrotto has launched a video-centric iteration of its popular Befree tripod line. The new Manfrotto Befree Live Video tripod is a compact video tripod kit with a fluid video head designed for portability and functioning with DSLR-esque video kits.
The Befree Live Video kit supports up to 8.8 pounds and extends to a max height of 59.4 inches. It collapses down to 16.5 inches and weighs only 3.9 pounds. It also has larger feet than its still photography counterpart and includes a hook on the center column for adding weight to help with stability. The tripod collapses to fit in an included case.
The full kit is available for $239.99. Check it out here at B&H Photo.
You can also purchase the Befree Live Video Head separately for $99.99. Check it out here at B&H Photo.