I was killing some time in Best Buy tonight and decided to snap a few images on the Sony A200. I took a CF card with me (it’s always a good idea to keep one handy). I certainly wouldn’t recommend overspending on a new DSLR at Best Buy (and never buy accessories there); however, it’s great to get your hands on a new camera before you make your purchase.
The Sony A200 basically handles like the A350, except for the display panel, which doesn’t articulate or feature a Live View function. Otherwise, the A200 has the same dedicated ISO button, which makes switching ISOs a breeze. The A200 has an sensitivity range of ISO 100-3200. Below, I’ve included several samples that cover the entire ISO range. You may download these images at 100% for you personal use and inspection. EXIF is embedded within. If you would prefer a gallery view, which also has an EXIF viewer, go here.
Sony A200 ISO 100
100% Crop
Sony A200 ISO 200
100% Crop
Sony A200 ISO 400
100% Crop
Sony A200 ISO 800
100% Crop
Sony A200 ISO 1600
100% Crop
Sony A200 ISO 3200
100% Crop
For more info, check out Photography Bay’s Sony A200 page.
[…] Now if you want to see the images that they took, Photography Bay has a wide variety of test shots of the A200 on their website. […]