Along with the introduction of the iPhone 3G, Apple released iPhone 2.0 software, which is available for the first gen iPhone and iPod Touch as well. At launch, tons of new applications from third party developers were available for download. Many of these new applications are free – most are under $10. Below are 13 photography-related iPhone apps available at launch. Several more are actually avaiable; however, the following apps seem to be the most worthwhile considerations for people interested in photography as opposed to simply doodling on images.
1. SmugShot – FREE – Share your images instantly on SmugMug with geo-tagging. More Photography Bay coverage here.
2. NearPics – FREE – NearPics is a simple, fun app for the iPhone & iPod Touch that lets you easily see some photographs taken near to where you are right now.
3. Exposure – FREE – For thorough integration with Flickr, Exposure brings many of the features of Flickr to the iPhone for fast access without the need to open Safari. You can pony up $10 to remove ads from Exposure.
4. SnapMyLife – FREE – A location-aware photo sharing application for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch, enabling users to easily see what’s going on around them right now.
5. Kyte Producer – FREE – Use your iPhone to share photos on Myspace, Facebook, or any website, blog or mobile phone. Instantly broadcast pictures as you take them, or create slideshows from your iPhone’s picture gallery.
6. SodaSnap Instant Postcards – FREE – Using SodaSnap you can create and share electronic postcards right from your iPhone. SodaSnap gives you the ability to snap a quick picture, or browse from your photo library and instantly send it to any email address along with a quick note. Using iPhone’s location services, SodaSnap tags your geo location to your postcards anywhere in the world.
7. AirMe – FREE – AirMe will upload your photos to Flickr and add some really cool smart tags. AirMe tags your photos with your city and country – and puts them on your Flickr map. AirMe can even include the current weather.
8. Big Canvas PhotoShare – FREE – PhotoShare is a social networking application that allows iPhone users to share photos with friends and family directly from their iPhone.
9. Clowdy Photo Blogger – FREE – Clowdy is a simple way to blog your photos directly from your iPhone. It lets you share your photos easily using the Camera or your Photo Library. Clowdy is location based, so you can see what photos people have taken around you. Just take a photo, click “Post”, and it’s published on your blog at
10. Phanfare – FREE – Phanfare automatically uploads photos from your iPhone to your Phanfare account in the background while you continue to snap away or otherwise use your iPhone. You get 1GB of store in the free Phanfare account.
11. Comic Touch – $4.99 – Add various speech balloons and captions to your photos. Choose a fun special effect to warp and bend your family and friends, then email the results to them.
12. Jade – $4.99 – One of the few applications with editing capabilities. Pick up a picture, choose the intensity of the filter, compare the original and the enhanced version by tapping the screen and then save the result.
13. Photobucket for iPhone – $4.99 – Add photos to your free Photobucket account from your iPhone.
I am looking for an iphone app similar to one that is called ESPN FREEZE FRAME
It is two pictures that look identical but there’s a number of things, sometimes 5, 6, or even 10 that are different between the two pics & you are supposed to pick them out. ESPN FREEZE FRAME is a good one, but there’s a limited # of pics and they are all sports. do you know if there is another one?
“The Best Camera” app for the iPhone by Chase Jarvis. It’s brilliant.
Photocalc is great! Another app I find myself using often is Shoot Planner