Let’s Go Digital has posted a review of the Nikon Coolpix P80. The new P80 boasts a 10.1 megapixel image sensor, Nikon’s EXPEED processing and vibration reduction on a whopping 18x optical zoom lens. The P80’s 18x Zoom-NIKKOR lens covers focal lengths from 27-486mm (35mm format equivalent).
It is a camera that seems to have everything going for it and seems remarkably interesting. Besides that, it is the new Megazoom camera of the Nikon brand continuing the successful Coolpix 8xxx series. However, it just doesn’t hit the spot. And therefore you can’t shoot that all-round with the camera the way you would want to.
wow the non-dslr “point-n-shoot” type bodies have come huge leaps since I bought my 2mp hp, but this one takes the cake. 10mp with an 18x optical, wow.