Ok, you’ve got a day before you’re in big trouble. What do you do? Here’s three last minute gift ideas that you can take care of right now. No gift wrapping, no mall, no ugly sweater – just cool photography gifts.
1. Amazon Gift Card. Amazon.com is packed full of tons of great cameras, lenses, accessories and books. You can take care of the gift card (without the hassle of shipping) by doing the one of the following – (1) E-mail a personalized gift card for immediate delivery; or (2) Print a personalized gift card on your own printer. Best of all, you pick the price.
2. SmugMug Membership. You can set up a photographer with one year account for $34.95 by using the coupon code (7jCtURK05RxCQ) in the “Referred by” field at signup. SmugMug offers unlimited storage and unlimited traffic – even on the basic accounts.
3. Flickr Pro Upgrade. Flickr makes it easy to give the gift of a Pro Account to any other Flickr member. Just go to their profile page and click where it says “Buy [username] a Pro Account”. It’s good for a year and it only runs $24.95.
LJP says
Merry Christmas Eric!