The Canon G11 is the point-and-shoot announced today that seems to be the focus of everyone’s attention. Despite my current infatuation after fondling the S90, Canon must be praised for quite a number of things they seem to have done right so far with this camera. Here’s a quick list of the key advancements.
Showing Megapixel Restraint
The G11 has less megapixels on its sensor than its predecessor, the G10. The series went from 14.7MP down to 10MP, therefore satisfying the needs of photographers who wanted cleaner images. Further, with the coupling of the DIGIC 4 engine there should be less of a problem with the processing of the image noise in the your photos. One poster in the DPReview forums (via 1001 Noisy Cameras) made a connection that there may be a Sony sensor of some sort inside the body of this little digicam.
This move is one that was appreciated by Nikonians when Nikon released cameras like the D300, D300s, D700 and the D3. They kept the resolution to a decent sized while ensuring that image quality remained paramount. Canon is apparently taking the same route with some of their cameras and we wonder if we will see this with the upcoming/rumored 60D and 7D.
To be fair though, some professionals wanting to use this as their pocket-backup may say that 10MP is not enough. In that case, they may want to move over to Micro Four Thirds or work with the Rebels instead. But for the pros that are used to better images that really want a compact just to carry around, this camera may suffice.
Focusing More on Photographers Than Hybrid Users
Besides focusing on delivering cleaner and better images to their users, there are features on the G11 that are appreciated more by the purist category of photographers rather than the hybrid users, photojournalists, enthusiasts etc. Those features are the inclusion of an optical viewfinder and not focusing on putting HD video capabilities on these cameras. I encounter lots of camera users that say, “I don’t really care too much about video, I just really want pictures.” These people know what they want and may be thoroughly satisfied to upgrade to the G11 if they’re not already in love with their G10.
The G line of cameras has always had an optical viewfinder and in truth they’re really quite excellent. Because of the way it’s designed, I don’t experience the tunnel vision effect nearly on the level that I did while shooting with the Olympus E-510. The viewfinder is bright and works well while zooming in and out. Granted though, it’s nothing like looking through my 5D Mk II‘s viewfinder.
Beyond this, there’s a special feeling and look to the G11. It reminds me of a rangefinder of some sort. Granted the sensor isn’t anywhere near as big as the Micro Four Thirds family line, but it sure does have that feeling that of being a companion camera to your DSLR.
Multi-angle LCD Screen
That rotating screen will surely enable users to be able to take photos at the harder angles to shoot at. I tried it today at the event and I was able to shoot over my head with relative ease. To be fair though, rotating all the wheels and dials in combination with pressing this button and that button to perfectly expose my shot became a lot harder to do with my hands up in the air. However, if more time is spent trying to do something like this the muscle memory will develop.
Alternatively, you could always just shoot in program mode.
Range of Accessories
If Canon made a battery grip for the G11, I would say that this camera is almost a throwback to the days of using something like the AE-1. However, they don’t. You can use the EX Speedlight flashes with the camera though, as well as underwater housing accessories, the G11’s own high powered flash, teleconverters, etc. The last time I heard about an advanced compact camera that can do all that it was in the form of the Micro Four Thirds cameras, especially the EP-1.
At the end of writing this, I’m noticing that I’m doing a lot of comparison of the G11 to Micro Four Thirds cameras. Perhaps well do a face-off of some sort.
Meanwhile, the Canon S90 still has my attention. Perhaps this is because I don’t care for a hot shoe that much and come from the school of photojournalism where you’re trained to shoot without flash.
I don’t understand the rave about the “low” 10MP count being favorable to noise in this particular case. Many blogs are echoing Canon’s marketing taunts about the subject before even testing it out.
10MP has been around for a while now (G8 in the current lineup of Gs), and sensor size has not seen any change since the early G models. It’s not like they upped it to APS-C all the while keeping it at “only” 10MP…
If you want to compare fairly, that’s what Nikon was stressing about with the D700 and D3 : larger photosites and lesser pixel density by minimizing the megapixel resolution increase on a larger sensor (FF). This doesn’t add up in the G11’s case.
So what has changed that much? Theoretically of course…
I’m not going to rave about Canon for finally doing the right thing either. It appears to me they just came to their senses and realized 14mp on a sensor this size is insane. Hopefully the puplic is learning that there’s more to image quality than high resoution. I’d actually prefer only 6mp on a 1/1.7 sensor.
Aside from the worthless peephole view finder the form factor is near perfect, but sensor size is still lacking. Shallow DOF is just too difficult to achieve on tiny sensors. They should have really bumped it up to an APS-C, 4/3’s or 2/3’s size sensor if they want this type of camera to be taken seriously. Right now, the Olympus E-P1 is only slightly larger, only $300 more (not that much for most serious photographers), and it’s IQ will surely blow away the G11. Plus the Panasonic GF1 is coming soon to.
The digital landscape has changed since the days when I bought my Canon G2…Canon needs to evolve this product line.
Really? If I don’t need video on a camera I wouldn’t avoid buying it just because it has video. However, since I do need video in my next point and shoot I Can Not Buy the G11. It’s really that simple. Canon can’t sell this camera to anyone that needs the ability to use video. Also, while I like the 10MP picture size in a point and shoot, it hasn’t been proven that this will be any better than the G10 with low light. I would hope it is, but I’ll wait and see. Lastly, why use an old processor? For $500 it should have a Digic V not a IV. They already saved a ton of money in making this camera by using a sensor size that is more than 5 years old.
Oh yeah, Multi Angle screens are useless. With a small about of experience anyone can take a picture at any angle they want without have to take the time to articulate a screen around to see what the camera sees. All you have to do is look to see what direction the lens is pointed at.
My two cents worth: I’ve shot with the G10 as my pocket camera ever since it was released and except for the slightly too large/heavy aspect, I have been very happy with this wonderful “little” camera. It doesn’t do everything as well as I’d like but then that describes almost every camera I’ve ever owned. It does have excellent build quality and features and actually produces very credible quality files if you know how to tweak the settings during shooting. The one thing I did lament about the G10 was the lack of a vari-angle LCD screen and here with the advent of the G11 going back in that direction, Canon rubs it in and beckons. For those who poo-poo this feature, I’ve just gotta mention that as someone who does much foreign travel in places/situations where shooting is either forbidden or the locals are hostile to cameras, I’ve managed to shoot with surreptitiously upturned (and shielded) vari-angled LCD cams when no one else was even able to make pictures. The qualifier for which piece of equipment to use should be to use the one which lets you get the job done and the ideal IMHO is to have enough models at hand to make the appropriate choice.
I have been using a G5 for over 5 years and have been waiting for a decent successor. At last with the G11 one with a vari-angle lcd and RAW again. The va lcd is useful in all sorts of situations but not least because you can turn it inwards to protect the screen when carrying/not in use. As a result after thousands of photographs my screen is still unscratched and useable. I was sorely tempted by the micro 4/3 Panasonic G1 but I doubt its physical durability (plastic body) and it is not as a compact
I’ve used the G9 for 2 years now and even though I’m a Nikon shooter in DSLR I love my G9. It’s bulletproof. Canon has really listened to what the end user wanted in adding new features. This is a totally redesigned sensor so the comment that they are “saving money” with a five year old sensor is ridiculous. As far as video, this camera will shoot 640X480 or 320X240 @30 fps. The G9 does 1024X768 but only at 15fps. My “HD” video in the 15fps still look great. I like the fact that the format changed from .avi to Quicktime Movie: .MOV (Image: H.264; Audio data: Linear PCM (monaural)) I also have found for concerts , etc that the manual volume recording feature has allowed me to capture great live video. See my youtube clips here: I love the variangle feature, Canon G users have wanted this back since the G7 dropped it. I’ll buy one in a second if it’s even close to published specs. Brilliant camera line.
I’ve come to this discussion a little late but thought it worth adding my two pence (cents) worth.
There are aspects of the G11 which people do not agree with and those which they do but I think Ray VanD sums it when he says no camera he’s owned has been perfect. And no one camera can be all things to all men (& women) and one should always bear this in mind when expressing an opinion. You may not like it for various reasons but chances are a lot of other people will do so.
For my part I like the fact that Canon have had the courage to reduce the MP count in the search for better results. Whether they’ve succeeded time will tell.
1/1.7 sensor in a 2009 top compact camera??!!
1/1.7 sensor is for kids and armatures and users that are not looking for a high end quality compact camera.
If Canon and Nikon will not wake up the Micro 4/3 will take a huge market share!!
I don’t understand what Canon think and feel about the real market
I hope they are reading our opinions – user and photographers
Sometimes it looks like they are living in a vacum
Anyway, this camera should be an APS-C sensor with the same lens or better wide angle or an interchangeable lens
I think that Samsung with their new NX camera are on the new right way and new wave, also all the new compact Micro 4/3 like the Olympus E-P1 or Panasonic GF1
Good luck for them
First of all.This is the camera I have been waiting for to complement my DSLR Equipment.I was quite concerned about the extreme pixel density on the G10.But now,and the time between the releases of the G10 and G11 will also have a benefit on the noise issue,I think one can buy a compact camera without being to worried about the quality of the pictures.
To Jack.Of course that is a camera designed primarily for amateurs (by the way,thats the way to write that word :),but without a doubt it will be used by pros as well.And pictures made with that camera will be published.But it is in a certain market were it will compete quite good against its antagonists,I presume.Not everyone is willing to buy a number of lenses for a “compact” camera,so the Micro-FTs cameras are not for everyone.Many people are just looking for their one and only,perhaps even the first camera to buy,and others (like me for example) want to complement their DSLR gear.(Sometimes climbing,biking and hiking is a real pain in the a… when you have to bring a DSLR with you)
I´m glad Canon made the decisions they made with this camera.10 Megapixels is plenty,and enough most of the time.Be honest to yourself.How many of your pictures are getting printed in really large sizes.Not that many.Most of the time we are looking at our pictures at the screens of our computers.Most of these screens are not even calibrated and though this is the case we are all lusting for 24 Megapixel DSLR quality in matchbox sized cameras.Just impossible.
I think with a DSLR and the G10 you have the opportunities to shoot really good pictures,almost everywhere,anytime.Count me in on this little gem.
Thanks,and my appologies for my english
There is no question that DSLRs and high quality lens can create quality photographs, but I find that having a camera ready and available is more important. Often I cannot or will not carry anything that does not fit in the pocket of my pants or jacket. I have taken award winning shots with the G10 and have sold images taken from with the G10. I have captured memories with the G10. Photographers need to become less geeks about their equipment and worry more about getting the great shot. Sometimes that means creativity about which camera to carry. The G11 looks like it improves on that concept.
Agree with Stan on all counts, and want to add that it is the eye that is important, and the purpose, and the depth of seeing that separate the snapshot from art. Not pontificating, just stating the facts.
Have sold images 20″ x 40″ taken with an Olympus 700UZ (2 MP) with a little help from Genuine Fractals which makes 10MP seem easily sufficient.
As pixel count seems to need appropriate pixel density, the reduction IMHO from 14+ MP appears a good decision.
I have been waiting for this camera for quite some time now and hope that it meets my expectations and the promise of faster response time, and better high ISO – less noisy – images. If the quick shot mode lives up to its promise of reduced shutter lag I will be a happy camper. I had an Oly C5050 that I used for street photography and although I got some great shots with that camera, I also got plenty of shots of the sidewalk as the camera fired seconds after pushing the shutter. BTW – I have several 20×30’s from that camera as well as my D200 and they are beautiful. 10 megapixels is plenty for anything but murals.
I bought the G11 last week , comparing pictures to my D90 with as 18-200 vr lense . the Canon G11 is very close . the DSLR allows me to mount huge lenses and take wildlife photos , while the G11 is a great all around good quality point and shoot camera.
so far i really like it and low light capability is very good
I am a Nikon D200 user and am delighted with this camera. However, it is impractical to carry about this camera, plus lenses, to many venues I attend. I purchased the Canon g11 and am more than pleased with the results. After all, I am now getting photos that i would never have been able to take with my DSLR. The G11 is great for low light shots, no hefty flashgun to carry about. Stan is right, having all the gear is one thing, whipping it out from your pocket at opportune moments is another. How many times have we thought, I wish I had a camera with me? I’m not saying that the G11 is better than my Nikon, but its convenience and quality gives me exactly what I want. And when I need to take sport photos, I’ll use my Nikon.
To compare this camera to a DSLR is ridiculous. It’s like comparing a pickup truck to a car. If it were a vehicle, maybe it would be a SUV. I really don’t care that it may not be as good as a DSLR, because if I wanted DSLR quality, I would use my DSLR. Most of the time I don’t carry my DSLR with me, which I believe is true of most people. To have a quality small camera would be a major convenience.
I think the things that are most important to most people (>99% of photographers are not professionals) who are not novices are picture quality, ease of use, shutter release response time, write time and LCD clarity. Is this a good enough camera for those of us that are used to using a DSLR and is it worth the extra money for those that want a better camera, but don’t want to spend the $$$ on a DSLR or don’t want to carry all the equipment generally associated with a DSLR. Therefore, how would you rate this camera for the casual user who wants good pictures or a serious photographer who wants to pack lightly.
Hi Rick,
I agree, it is ridiculous to compare the G11 with my Nikon gear. But, like most people, carrying this about is not always feasible. So, what else will do for me? Most importantly, image quality. I know the G11 can handle a variety of lighting situations. Street work and landscape, especially if I have to walk a long distance. Anything else, my Nikon will be at the ready. The trap we get into with our DSLR’S is, I must have a particular lens syndrome. And when I take my Nikon, I fall into the just in case scenario. Maybe I should take my telephoto, wide angle, macro, or just a standard lens. My flashgun, spare batteries, and filters, when did I last use filters?
The G11 is less hassle and the quality of its pics is more than satisfactory. I have already bought a spare battery, just in case, but that’s it. Honest!
For those complaining it’s hard to get a reduced DoF with these small sensor cameras, there are some of us on the other side of that argument. I like to pull out a G-series camera to take a close-up with more DoF than I can get from an SLR and macro lenses.
I’m still using my old G6, last of the old series articulating screens, but it shares a battery and CF card with my EOS DSLR as well. And I can also still use my macro ring light with it.
I’m looking forward to seeing how much of a noise improvement the G11 has over my old 6-er.
Cuz the old G still can get me a better close-up, with larger DoF than I can get with my bigger camera, especially when I’m in a hurry like at an orchid show. With IS and a few extra MP, the G11 should be a no-brainer upgrade for the kind of shots I like using it for.
As a G7 user I was quite excited about the advent of the G11 until I learned that it does no longer feature a high resolution video option (1024×768) as my G7. This was a real disappointment and I am no longer interested in buying the Canon G11.
I just picked up my Canon G11 today. I’m very happy with it. Just as a side note, I bought and tried two different Digital SLR’s before buying the G11. My first camera was the now older model Sony Alpha 350. First, I must say that my only requirement in a camera, is it must have a Tilt and Swivel; Articulating LCD. The way I shoot, for example; I often take pictures while I travel on the bus, and if I was to put the camera up to my face and take a picture of someone, they would not like that, on the other hand, with a Tilting and swivel LCD, I can set the camera on my lap, compose the shot, and take all the pictures I want to and most of the time, knowone even knows I’m taking pictures. I don’t know why all D-SLR’s are not equipped with the Tilt and Swivel LCD but I think that’s where all SLR’s are heading, or at least if they want to sell more camera’s. Back to the Sony I bought, the pictures were all soft. I don’t know if the camera was defective or if that’s just how the Alpha 350 shoots. But I took the camera back. Then I bought the Olympus E-620. I totally loved that camera, but again, I always shoot with the LCD, and on page 123 of the owners manual, I learned why my camera kept freezing up and locking me out and then shutting off. It’s because “with extensive use of the LCD, the camera will overheat and lock up and turn off”. I called Olympus and they said the camera was not designed to shoot at all times in the Live View mode, That means shooting using the LCD screen all the time. So, again, I returned that camera. But I can tell you, those pictures were sharp and I really liked shooting with that camera. Just as a side note, the camera I’ve been shooting with for the past seven years is an old Olympus C-5060 Wide Zoom. It’s only a five MegaPixel camera, I shoot everything in Sepia and print all my favorite shots in the 13 X 19 Inch size. and I get outstanding clarity and resolution. But I’ve been looking to get a newer camera because my old Olympus doesn’t have Image Stabilization and I always have to shoot at ISO 80 to keep the picture sharp(for big prints). I was totally shocked when I learned that Seven years after buying my C-5060 , That it would be so hard to find a newer version of something near the same camera. in other words, a quality camera, with Tilt and Swivel LCD. And I really wanted to buy an SLR. I was looking at Canon, but believe it or not, and I still can’t believe it, that canon doesn’t have one SLR with Tilt and Swivel LCD. I thought that at least the more expensive models would at least give the choice to tilt and swivel the lcd. I mean, after all, if the camera has a tilt and swivel lcd, and a Photographer never wants to use it, at least they will have the choice to, and while others like me who won’t even buy an SLR if it doesn’t have Tilt and SWivel LCD, that just eliminates a portion of the market from even buying a Canon. I noticed the Nikon D5000 has a very nice tilt and Swivel LCD and I like it very much, but again, the camera is not designed to really shoot with the LCD at all times. And the proof is when I tried to focus the camera using the LCD, it was very very slow, compared to using the Viewfinder. I just don’t understand this. And a very technical person, I’m sure understands why this is. but I just want to buy an SLR with, Preferably a Canon, with a fast focusing Live View(LCD) system. and right now, that’s just not here yet.
So here I am with my Canon G11. And if this little G11 Had a Full Frame Sensor, I would also be very happy. And I’m willing to pay for that too. I would pay up to $2000 dollar for a G11 with a Full Frame Sensor. But again, Knowone makes a Non Digital SLR with a Full Frame Sensor. I looked at the Olympus Pen. And that camera almost meets my needs, except that it does not have the Tilt and Swivel LCD. As a Photojournalist, I find this a very difficult time to be a photographer. And I just don’t know why anyone would wine about a camera that has a tilt and swivel lcd. I’ve read such comments as ” well, Tilt and Swivel LCD’s make the camera week and flimsy, and I just don’t like it”. I personally can tell you right now, that’s 100% foolishness. and a complete misinformation. A Tilt And Swivel LCD is another tool in the artist pallet. And it opens up creative angles and makes impossible shooting situations, totally possible. I will never buy any camera, not even a seven thousand dollar camera made by Leica, if it does not have a tilt and swivel lcd. So, I thank you Canon, for making your G11, with the Tilt and Swivel LCD. Now please put a bigger sensor in the G12. A Full Frame would be very nice. And yes, people will buy it. I’ll be one of your first customers. And Please make at least one of your D-SLR’s a Tilt and Swivel LCD(With Fast Live View Focusing, no slower Focusing than with the Viewfinder-and that is fast) Thank you for reading.
I’m a serious amateur photographer that started back in 1982 with the legendary Canon AE-1. I was the guy that had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the digital altar! In 2005 I started using the Nikon D 70 and got hooked on the obvious flexibility of digital. I really love to carry my camera everywhere I go, but as you know this is a good way to damage it and DSLR’s can draw the wrong type of attention in questionable areas! I’ve been using the G11 for three weeks now and I’m standing here in total amazement at what I’ve been able to capture with it. The design of this camera simply lets your creativity flow. I have people ask me what am I doing different? I kind of snicker and know deep down that me and the camera are flowing together in harmony and the results are outstanding. I shoot almost exclusively in manual mode and I find this little powerhouse will let me blend settings to get what I’m after.I don’t push passed 800 ISO, because the noise does appear after that. All in all I give it thumbs up and recommend it highly for the artist that isn’t wrapped up in technical parameters. Just get one and get out there and make it happen! One warning, your DSLR will start to feel neglected!
After years of using the G5 I finally upgraded and used my G11 for a number shots around the house and on the hiking trail. I’m a serious ameture but occasionally want a lighter and more compact camera that will still take serious quality photos.
LIKE: adjustable LCD (this should be standard on all quality cameras), quality of photo, the dials: ISO, as well as the mode, (use aperature priority most often), program that allows me to set the ISO (camera sets F stop and shutter) and auto (camera selects ISO, F stop, shutter), a quick menu called the “function set” for white balance, bracketing, Neutral density filter, file size; a larger menu for other operations that is well organized, dedicated buttons for metering type, timer, flash type.
DON’T LIKE: with the LCD wars full force and now a larger LCD and a smaller camera and the lack of real grip, there is no user friendly way to hold the camera that I have found without inadvertently pressing some button. My index finger presses the shutter, my thumb accidentally depresses the function set, the heal of my hand (thenar arch) accidentally presses the Menu button. The lack of a real grip, unlike the enviable grip on the G5, caused me to almost drop the camera several times. I’ve learned to hold the camera with fingers at the base and thumb at the flash shoe, but this is not condusive to quickly putting to your eye and shooting. Since the lens ring sticks out a bit, canon could have made the grip at least as prominent at the lens ring, also the little grip that is there is tapered for comfort rather than friction allowing fingers to slip off easily.
Another user-UNfriendly feature is that to adjust the aperature and shutter you have to take your eye away from the view finder, so taking an A-priority, T-priority or Manual photo is a multistep process: compose with the view finder, push out to view the values of F or S on the LCD while turing the menu wheel, then compose, wait for the scene, action or subject you want to happen then shoot. It would have been more appropriate to have these adjusted with a wheel at the thumb or index finger area and the data displayed in the viewfinder. The idea of relying on the LCD for framing is just not practical. The view finder gives you the scene surounded by black so you are not distracted from analyzing the image, holding the hands against your body is much more stable then 18 inches away to focus on the LCD, no need to reach for the reading glasses for the viewfinder unlike the LCD, no fatigue factor when waiting for the right shot when using the viewfinder while it is completely unreasonable to hold you hands out 18 inches for 2-3 minutes. Since the G11 is not a pocket camera, I don’t see a need to try to reduce the size as they tried to do between G5 and G11. Turning a bread box into a shoe box still doesn’t make it any more shirt pocket “fit-able”.
I hope I’m not asking for too much. Thanks for your attention.
As I’ve been reading the manual I downloaded, and also with some hands-on time at the store, I find that the G11 CAN NO LONGER DO STOPPED-DOWN FUNCTION like my old G3/5/6 could.
Simply pressing the AE (*) button on the older G cams stops down the lens to the aperture you set (in A priority) and meters the scene while ALSO providing a preview of the DofF on the LCD. This was very handy for controlling DoF in close-ups.
G11, and I suspect all the way back to G7, can no longer do this very basic photographic function.
No mention of it in the manual or various review sites either.
Shall we spam Canon with requests to return this useful feature with a firmware update? I’ll start.
I own the G6, G7 and now G11. The G7 was a great camera but had lots of warts:
1) Nothing to hold on to when the camera try to leap from your hand
2) Lousy low light capabilities
3) NO !@#$!@#$ remote control port
4) Jumping around on autofocus way too much
5) No RAW mode
6) Having to buy the #$!@#&! case from Australia because Canon, for elusive, obscure reasons refused to import the case I liked (clamshell) into the U.S. You could buy an ugly, leather box of a thing for $130 and change.
The G6 was great. I got it used after discovering the G7 could never have a remote. At least it came with a buggy, screwy, limited infrared remote, could do raw, and the lens was much faster. The flip out screen could help with occaisional shots too. But it’s really old tech wise and not very compact.
The G11:
The best G series I’ve ever owned except one flaw: Canon didn’t bring the @!%#^&*@ case into the U.S. again. Had to get it from Japan. Note to Canon: You guys really suck at simple things!!! Get a clue!
Took some really great shots the other night. Only had the camera for a day or so when I decided to drag it to a Béla Fleck and the Flecktones concert. I never use flash at concerts because it’s typically useless and at a minimum an annoyance to the performer(s). Sadly I took it without a case (which arrived today from Japan).
The G11 is more like my G6 only better ;)
Just waiting for my new G11. Thought long and hard between the G11 and Lumix G1, for a lightweight camera. I have a Nikon DSLR so what decided me was the portability – I quite like to shoot cadid shots and this should be an ideal “compromise”.
I bought the G11 last week and had to take it back. The viewscreen illumination wasn’t uniform. This didn’t impact function, but not the quality I expect from a $500 camera.
The viewscreen on the replacement is fine, but the viewfinder is blurry. The thumb wheel makes it more or less blurry, but still unacceptable. I don’t plan to use it much, but, again, not the kind of quality I expect from a new $500 camera. Returning this one and hopefully third time is the charm.
i bought the g11 and when i developed some pictures they were all a little blurry. why is this i get better pics with a disposable can anyone help?
I’m a advertising photographer of 30 years and think this is the best non SLR digital camera I’ve ever used. The criticisms of sensor size and image quality make me wonder if these people actually know how to use the camera or process a digital image. Mine are excellent! The criticisms of the rangefinder is likewise puzzeling to me. Compared to my Leica’s and other top line rangefinders, I fine the G11 excellent and I use it all the time. I don’t know what part of the camera some of these people are looking thru…LOL.
No camera is perfect but there is not much I have to complain about in the G11 as the price/performance/ease of use formula is pretty doggone impressive. Sure, my hands are large and there are buttons all over the place but at least there ARE buttons instead of a bizarre array of multi use electronic protocols via 1 or 2 buttons.
Criticisms of camera by amateurs make my head spin. This well heeled professional loves his G11 and it goes on location every time my crew leaves the studio for a location shoot. Great backup to my SLR’s and my camera of choice too bang around Europe with.
Bought my G11 about a month ago. Why I bought it:
It’s small and handy (compared to my SLRs)
Swivel LCD
Optical viewfinder
Remote release
External flash capability
RAW image files
What’s annoying:
There isn’t a good hand hold without setting off a button somehow.
Sluggish shutter release
What Canon could have done better:
Make the camera 1/2 inch longer for a better grip – foremost issue I have
Use the front lens ring for focus and/or exposure adjustments
Focus indicator in the optical view finder
Remote image review or removable LCD screen for remote use.
Larger sensor, but it really isn’t necessary
In the meantime, I’ve had very good pictures and some turkeys, usually from bad camera technique. If I wasn’t busy resetting buttons I shouldn’t have touched I could really like using this camera.
In short, I’ll keep it and make my own camera grip.
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