People like taking photos. And they apparently like using Nikon cameras to shoot those photos. At least that’s what it seems like when looking at Nikon’s 1st Quarter Fiscal Year 2012 (April 1 – June 30, 2011) results.

Nikon Financial Results Q1 2012
Nikon sold a record number of DSLRs, lenses and compact cameras in its first quarter, as noted below.
In the Imaging Products Business, thanks to the earlier-than-expected recovery of the parts and materials supply chain and the Group’s focus on stable product supply, record first quarter sales volume was recorded for digital SLR cameras, interchangeable camera lenses and compact digital cameras; and despite the effects of the drastically appreciating yen against the U.S. dollar, the Imaging Products Business marked record first quarter highs in net sales and operating income.
Based on these figures and Nikon’s 2011 Annual Report, it looks like the Nikon D3100 is still knocking it out of the park. I guess Ashton Kutcher is doing a pretty good job, eh?
think the numbers ay they prefer canon!!!… ;) although the 4/3rds brabds making big inroads on market share…
Where are you seeing this in these numbers genius?
Nikon camera’s are still on the top in targeting mass market.
After having used Nikon for a number of years I can only say: They are simply the best.
Started using Nikon in 1990 with a used EM, earlier having used the Zenith and Canon AT-1, which I still have, these were both great cameras that taught me loads since they were manual. After the EM, I went on to the Nikon F3hp, which I also still retain. I entered the digital world with a beginners Nikon D60 and now the brilliant Nikon D7000.
Not surprised by their growth, great products.
The Nikon D7000 is one of the best cameras around for consumer use, along with the equally brilliant Pentax K5, perhaps more brilliant when the in body image stabilisation, which can be set to each focal length of the peerless M42 lenses, is taken into account.
Have to concede that the Canon 7D has the best video.
Having been an avid user of Nikon( f3, f100, d70s and d 300s), like Mr Singh in the 80’s and 90’s , I believe the choice of good quality Nikon lenses which are affordable has diminished, so much so, I have now to dish out on several canon L series “affordable ” middle order like the excellent 24-100 and 70-200 f4. There is nothing in Nikon’s arsenal in this territory! So it’s good bye from me to the excellent Nikon bodies and the cheap or extremely expensive/ heavy lenses. And, I am not a canon fanatic or pixel peeper!
Are there any bad DSLR’s made today? Maybe Nikon have more attractive marketing. They are certainly spending heaps on tv adds in Oz.
I’m using Nikon SLRs from 80’s and entering digital world with D40x , D80 , D90 and D300s. I can’t imagine digital photography without Nikon. Canon is good; Pentax is good too(I try them both for years), but Nikon is the meaning of the photography! specially when you’re a fine art photographer like me.
I have a couple of serious photographer friends who are Nikon shooters and they are both very happy being be part of the Nikon family. They certainly make some great cameras. I’m a serious Pentax shooter myself. All the manufacturers today produce some incredible stuff. I suspect part of the reason Nikon is selling so well right now is because in addition to their great camera line they are spending a ton of money on advertising.
Being enthusiastic about your camera gear is great but there is still no such thing as the perfect camera, even from Nikon. The guy pushing the buttons counts too.
i use the nikon D7000 with 18-200 -80-400 lenses and find that on auto the quality is superb thank you NIKON