CustomSLR announced the ProDot shutter button upgrade last month. The ProDot is a textured, press-on dot that adheres to the shutter button in order to provide finite control and finger-padding.
CustomSLR funded the development of ProDot through Kickstarter and met its funding goal in the first 72 hours of the project. The ProDot is now available to buy in packs of two for $9.95 on CustomSLR’s website.
MattL says
Not once have I heard anyone ever say “gee my shutter button is too slippery / small / untextured / black”. Who are they fooling at 10 bucks?
bob cooley says
A fool and his money is soon parted…
Faye says
I shoot weddings for a living and definitely feel some finger fatigue after a long days worth of works. 10 bucks. I’m in. Sorry guys call me a fool but any advantage I can get on the field I’ll take.
JeffK says
I have rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia and often wear nitrile faced Atlas work gloves for an improved grip. Though I can pick up a dime with them, a visual check is sometimes required to ensure the shutter button is under my index finger, especially in cooler weather. I would have loved one of the Pro Dots while standing along the shore of Lake Washington during the Seattle Marathon on 11/25 waiting for my daughter to run by.
Greg Peterson says
I just got ’em (the red ones) to impress girls.
sk says
Greg, I’m curious. What camera, along with the red button, do you use to impress the girls??