Sony has unveiled the new Alpha ?58, which features a 20.1MP APS CMOS sensor that can also capture full 1080/24p HD video. The ?58 serves as a successor to the Sony ?57. Like other Sony Alpha SLT models, the ?58 offers a built-in image stabilization system at the sensor level and, of course, Sony’s translucent mirror technology, which aids in the rapid 8fps shooting the ?58 delivers.
Sony ?58 Key Features
- 20.1MP Exmor APS HD CMOS sensor
- ISO 100-16000 (25600 w/ Multi Frame NR)
- 15-point phase detect AF w/ 3 cross-type sensors
- 5fps burst (8fps in Tele-zoom Continuous Advance Priority AE mode)
- 1080p HD video capture
- 460k-dot res adjustable angle 2.7″ LCD
- SteadyShot image stabilization
- HDMI output
- Standard ISO hot shoe
- Memory Stick Duo / SD card slots
The Sony A58 should be available in April 2013 at an expected retail price of $600. It seems that, for the moment, the announcement is only official in Europe – with US prices and release dates to be forthcoming in the next week. Check availability at B&H Photo, Adorama and
Tex Bacalian says
Reading about the A58, I find it is a step backward from the A57: [A58 (A57)] 2.7″LCD (3″); Tilt LCD (Tilt/Swivel); Burst rate 5fps full res (10fps); Burst rate 8 fps tele-zoom (12 fps); Plastic lens mount (metal). Does the increase of 4 MP matter? For many people, it doesn’t, it will just clog up your storage. What is the matter with you Sony engineers? Will I discard my A57 in favor of A58? No way!
jim says
very dissapointing, is Sony giving up the fight?
the new Nikon 7100 kills.
jayboydog says
Tex Bacalian wrote “2.7?LCD”… also note resolution drops by 50%. determining focus quality on a 3” display is difficult anyway so I don’t feel the screen size or resolution is a deal killer yet I too wonder what motivates Sony to downgrade a spec here and there. Segmenting the line certainly makes sense A3x, A5x, A6x, A7x, A9x. wonder how much longer the mirror will be needed for phase-detect autofocus. isn’t canon headed towards phase-detect autofocus on solely the primary sensor? have heard the auto-focus on mirrorless canon EOS-M is slow at this point.
Mike says
Standard ISO hot shoe? Wish they’d done that years ago.