Topaz Labs has updated B&W Effects 2 to version 2.1. New features in version 2.1 include the following:
- A Zone System: Allows users to identify various zones in their images as well as observe the changes in zones as exposure and other adjustments are made.This is not an adjustment tool, but a visual aid.
- Borders: Prior versions of B&W Effects only had a choice of 2 borders: Solid Black or Solid White. This version adds many more options!
- Tone Quicktools: Similar to the Color Filter buttons, quicktools have been added for Silver and Paper toning for: Selenium, Cyanotype (Gold/Blue), Copper (Red), Sepia and Antique Dye
- Apply Button: This feature allows a user to apply changes without having to exit the program. Multiple presets can be applied one on top of another and so forth.
- Language Support: B&W v2.1 supports Spanish, French, German, (Brazilian) Portugese, Japanese and Chinese (Simplified and Taiwanese). If your machine has one of these languages set in the region/language settings, the UI will be rendered in that language.
The upgrade is free for existing users and is available at a discount through April 21, 2013. Use the coupon code bw21 to get 30% off Topaz B&W Effects 2 or the complete bundle on Topaz Labs’ website.