It appears that the cat is fully out of the bag with the upcoming Leica Mini M, the proper model name of which will be the Leica X Vario Type 107.
Additionally, the initial specs that we hoped were wrong have been all-but-confirmed, which means the new camera will sport an APS-C sensor and a fixed 18-46mm f/3.5-6.4 zoom lens. As such, it seems that the X Vario Type 107 will be paired as a sibling to the 24mm f/2.8 fixed lens Leica X2. However, if the price turns out to be what’s rumored below, then it may cost substantially more in the US than the $2000 X2.
Additional leaked specs for the X Vario Type 107 are below.
Leica X Vario Type 107 Specifications
- 16.5MP APS-C sensor
- Leica Vario Elmar 1:3.5-6.4/18-46mm ASPH lens (28-70mm equivalent): 9 elements in 8 groups, 2 ASPH elements
- Minimal focusing distance: 30cm
- ISO range: 100-12,500
- Max shutter speed: 1/2000s
- 3″ TFT LCD with 921k dots
- Full HD video
- Built-in flash
- Additional accessories will include grip, lens hood, external EVF, several different cases
- Adobe Lightroom will be included
- Battery capacity: 360 exposures
- Dimensions: 133 x 73 x 95mm
- Weight: 679g – around 24oz (with batteries)
- Price: around 2,500 EUR
- Made in Germany
[via Leica Rumors]
More overpriced fodder for those with more money than sense. A 3.5-6.4 lens is the best they could come up with?
Wow. What a disappointment.
:) :) :)
Is Leica on the crack, or are they just rolling in so much money they wanted to see how stupid and brand loyal doctors and lawyers are?
So, basically a +$3000, slow, uninspiring point and shoot for people with way too much money and absolutely no knowledge of the current photographic landscape, but want a red dot on the front of their camera anyway because it carries some elusive weight with their other rich friends?
No thanks.
Agreed. Probably the most uninspiring camera I’ve ever seen.
Could prove to be the second largest bust of the modern, digital era behind the Hasselblad Lunar!
At least the Lunar is a decent camera internally…
But at a ridiculous price when considering it’s nothing more than a NEX7 with a more exotic grip, hence, super fail. I will give the HL the bonus that it’s at least an interchangable lens system camera, so you can choose from the few different slow, uninspiring zooms that sony has available.
This is a LEICA product?
I am soooo excited!
Thank you, Leica, for giving me the first good night’s sleep that I have had in months.
With great respect,
I’m a huge Leica fan and almost always stick up for them. Sometimes even though their prices are insane… it’s worth it just for the Leica experience (I Know… I Know… but you don’t buy classic cars for practicality either) The point is, this is just ridiculous and does not even appeal to irrational fan-boys like myself. A Leica X3 with no other upgrades (literally could have even kept the same crappy screen, no view finder and same slow auto focus) except add a full frame sensor perhaps the same CCD that the ME and M9 share, would have been far juicier and exciting for those of us willing to pay extra for the Leica brand. Just terrible, such a boring camera.