In this video, photographer Thomas Heaton travels around Iceland looking for just the right shot at a variety of locations. One of the unique aspects of Heaton’s video is that you feel like you are walking through the process with him as he tries to find just the right shot in just the right location.
You hear him say throughout the video that it’s worth the time to walk around and see what is there rather than just arrive and start shooting. Of course, the slow fading light in Iceland helps with that process too. As he points out, you might have 10 minutes to set up and get a sunset show in England (or the US) but Iceland gives you three hours of similar sunset light so you can wait for just the right moment.
Clocking in at over 16 minutes, it is longer than most YouTube tutorial videos; however, it is well shot and edited for those interested in the photographic process.
[via Reddit]
Very instructional and inspiring video. The variety of approaches and lenses used makes it very helpful and shows how important it is to let the subject dictate the photographer’s approach.
One of the best of this kind of video that I’ve seen, and the resulting stills really bring it all home.