I just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a Merry Christmas today. Also, I wanted to ask those of you with kids, grandkids and pets if I’m the only one who encounters more of the left photo than the right photo when trying to take pictures of my crew?
The right photo is the one single “good” photo we got in a 20 minute window before we threw our hands up in frustration.
We tried to entice the little one to sit still by offering him a candy cane. Of course, Hank wanted to candy cane too, which meant the big one had to headlock Hank as the little one pushed his sister off the chair.
I actually loved the chaos so much that both photos made our Christmas card this year…
For those of you celebrating Christmas, how do/did you shoot your Christmas morning photos?
I plan on bouncing a cheap 300-watt Impact Tungsten Qualite off the ceiling in the morning as the kids open the presents and taking photos with a fast 50mm f/1.8 or 30mm f/2.8 lens on the Sony A6000. I will probably also bust out the Mitakon 35mm f/0.95 for some shots as well.
We’ll be back to regularly scheduled programming later this weekend. Until then, Merry Christmas from Photography Bay.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Eric.
Thanks Neill!
Merry Christmas to you too Eric and to all those who encourage, contribute and keep this wonderful site going.
Thanks Eric!
Actually this happens every time our family gets together and we want that family shot for the photo album or to send overseas to grandma.
I feel ya. Every. Single. Time.
Merry Christmas as well.
The photo on the left is so normal that is why I don’t shoot families anymore as part of my photography business. LOL
Thanks Adam.
I don’t blame you one bit.
Hi Eric
First of all A Merry Christmas from London. I have always hated family shots. There is always someone looking the other way or with their eyes closed. Even worse is the comedian who always puts a hand across their face or their tongue out. I have 3 children and eight grandchildren and the only decent pictures I own have always been taken by somebody else.
Thanks Peter.
Some people have a real knack for shooting family portraits and they deserve every penny they make. There are certain shoots that I just don’t want to fool with – even for my own kids. But I sure have had my fair share of hilarious outtakes over the years with just three or four kids. Now that there is a large dog in the mix, I’m not sure I can pay someone to deal with this crew.
Wishing you great photos in the new year… -Eric
My friends X-Mas card was them getting the tree. His 8 y/o was holding the saw and the look in his eyes during the picture were along the lines of “Dad, I have a saw. I will use it if you push that shutter release one more time.”
Ha! That’s a great idea for a card though…