Leica has unveiled its new M10-P, which is a slightly refined version of the 24-megapixel M10. The new M10-P loses the red Leica logo on the front for a more subtle approach. Additionally, the M10-P is claimed to have the quietest mechanical shutter yet – eclipsing the M4 and MP film cameras.
Leica M10-P Key Features
- 24MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor
- Leica Maestro II Image Processor
- Optical 0.73x-Magnification Viewfinder
- 3.0″ 1.04m-Dot Touchscreen LCD
- ISO 100-50000, up to 5-fps Shooting
- Built-In Wi-Fi
- Redesigned Shutter, Built-In Level Gauge
- Stills-Only Operation
- Built-In ISO Dial & Frame Line Selector
- Weather-Resistant Brass Construction
The Leica M10-P also offers an improved LCD with a touchscreen that allows you to swipe images and pinch to zoom, among other features.
The new Leica M10-P retails for $7995. You can pre-order it here at B&H Photo.
BobF says
Kudos to Leica for trying, ever so pointlessly, to announce improvements like “no more red dot” – because THAT’s the thing that draws the eye of the unsuspecting subject in street shooting.
While being absolutely beautiful examples of precision machinery with the highest quality workmanship, the reality is the actual output of Leica digital cameras is’t 5 times better than that of other digital cameras, as one might imagine just looking at the prices.
I guess this will make it all the more desirable for those who wear their Leicas like jewelry, though.