Leica has unveiled its V-Lux 30 point and shooter, which sports a 14.1MP sensor, a 16x optical zoom (24-384mm equivalent) and the ability to capture 1080i AVCHD video.
The Leica V-Lux 30 is essentially a clone of the Panasonic Lumix ZS10. Other than the cosmetic differences in the two cameras, the only thing separating them is about $400. The V-Lux 30 retails for $749, while the middle-class Panasonic ZS10 retails for $399 (although the street price is now under $350).
Check availability for the V-Lux 30 on Amazon.com if you’re really itching to pay twice as much for a Leica logo.
More details in the press release below. [Read more…]