Careful folks, it’s open season on rumors and Canon seems to be the prey of choice as of late. If you’ve been following Photography Bay, you know that the pot has been stirring for some time now on the Canon 5D Mark II. However, it’s been a while since we heard any rumblings about the Canon 1D Mark IIIn.
It’s back. Ask the Photographer claims to have the scoop on the Mark IIIn (or Mark IV or whatever). Word is, that a freelance photographer walks into a bar and says to an SI photographer, “How ’bout those blue dots?” SI photographer says, “No blue dots for me, I’ve switched to Nikon. But fear not young freelancer, the Mark III replacement cometh – this fall.”
Ok, so maybe that’s not a direct quote, but the tipster says they were chatting it up at a PGA tournament a couple of weeks ago.
Additionally, the forum poster who “leaked” the info on the 5D Mark II last week had the following corroborating info on a new Canon 1-series:
The new Canon flagship, this Fall, will have a “1.5:1 price/performance advantage to the Nikon flagship.” (Read carefully: this statement refers to the coming Canon flagship, not the 5D II being discussed here).
As always, take these rumors with a grain of salt. I know you like the latest news and rumors, which is why I post them; however, don’t put too much credence in them until you see some concrete evidence. That’s right, go ahead and pull the trigger on a dirt cheap Canon 5D and sort out the rest when a real camera is actually announced.
Marcel says
ppdix says
This is what I would like to see…
iPhone-like 4″ touch screen. No more unnecessary buttons.
Eye-focus, like the old EOS 1V
HDMI output and video recording with Audio
At least 16MP and better noise reduction…