Trying to find a stocking stuffer or smaller gift for that certain shutterbug in your life?
Here’s some quick gift ideas that will make any photographer smile AND won’t empty your wallet.
1. Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson.
If you’re photographer is still learning how to use his or her camera and has their heart set on taking better photos, I can’t recommend this book enough.
2. Joby Gorillapod.
These flexible tripods can be used for all kinds of things, including hanging your camera from a fence post or tree. I’ve even used one to grip the external mirror of my car on occasion for some unique shots. Gorillapods make great gifts because just about every photographer can make use of them. Because of the compact size, I rarely go anywhere without a Gorillapod. They’re also inexpensive.
3. A World in HDR.
This book is from Trey Ratcliff of the wildly-popular Stuck in Customs website. HDR (or high dynamic range) is a unique photographic technique that gives photos a surreal look and brings out details that would otherwise be lost. Nobody is more famous for their HDR work than Trey Ratcliff. A World in HDR looks to be a huge seller and is being released just in time for Christmas (currently due out December 14). Better get one quick.
4. Memory Cards.
Everyone who owns a camera could probably use an extra memory card or two. Pick the right format though. SD cards, CF cards, and Sony Memory Stick make up the most popular formats. Also, a memory card case can make a great gift for the photographer who struggles to keep up with those tiny little buggers.
5. Rechargeable Batteries and Charger.
I love my Duracell rechargeable batteries. Thanks to them, I never have to buy disposable batteries anymore. When AA or AAA batteries die, I just charge them up and they’re good to go in a couple of hours. Here’s a tip though – buy some spares so you don’t have any down time.
6. Digital Photography Book by Scott Kelby.
There are currently three volumes to this very popular series from Scott Kelby. This book receives loads of praise from so many photographers looking to get something more out of their cameras.
7. Prints from Mpix.
Mpix offers professional-quality photo print solutions and has a number of photo gift ideas in a variety of price ranges, starting at $5. To see them, click here.
The new Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch tablet gives you so much control on your desktop and threatens to take away the mouse for good. The “touch” part of the tablet allows you to use the tablet as a control device using your fingertips. It works in a similar fashion to the iPhone touch screen display. The inclusion of the pen allows those who are serious about their Photoshop usage to take serious control over post-processing with fine tuning that’s quicker and more precise than a mouse.
9. Gift Cards.
When all else fails, go for the mighty gift card. We photographers love to pile these up at Christmas time and then make our own selections of the gizmos and gadgets that we seem to be so picky about. They’re available at most places where you can buy photography gear, including and B&H Photo.
my problem with rechargeable batteries is that they are slightly too large. it takes a crow bar to get them into my speed flashes and then I have to bang the flashes against the palm of my hand to get the batteries out. In the words of Sancho Panza in “The Man of La Mancha”, “whether the stone hits the pitcher or the pitcher hits the stone, it’s not going to be good for the pitcher.” Smacking the speed flash against my hand can’t be good for the speed flash.
yall should put the Pap Strap on this list and get away from that darn neck pain that ya get from a regular camera strap.