Is this the new Canon 60D? It sure seems like a good candidate. It also comports with previous rumors that suggested a tilting LCD – although this camera appears to have a vari-angle (i.e., tilt/swivel LCD) that flips out from the body. This would add more credence to the rumored “optimized for video” design that we’ve previously heard about. Although the aging 50D is definitely due for a replacement, I’m anxious to see the final specs and how/if the 60D will cannibalize the sales of the Canon 7D.
Fire away with your thoughts in the comments below.
[via Canon Rumors]
forkboy1965 says
Having a 2.5 year old 40D I imagine I am a ripe candidate for an upgrade to the 60D. I confess the 7D pushes all the right buttons for me (and then some), but I’m not certain I need everything it brings to the table in addition to the higher purchase price.
I’m anxious to see what makes it into the 60D and more importantly what doesn’t.
Jordan says
I hope it’ll have better audio monitoring/input. 720p 120 frames/sec slo-mo would be very cool too.
Jimbo says
Sexy, beast right there. Seems bigger than I was expecting. I’m holding out, must be patient… Any ideas if it will have live AF while shooting? I thought Canon was going to announce this yesterday!
ManRayFan says
A 60D to me is kind of moot compared to the 7D what with the same MP’s and all. I have a 50D and still love it. I am waiting for the next evolution of the 5D, perhaps with the focusing system of the 7D and 30 MP! I really am ready for the full frame experience.
Jeff Tigey says
What’s up with the political ads? Whether Sharon Angle gets elected or not, the federal Dept. of Education is a sham. a joke, worse than a waste of money and has not done one thing to improve education public or private. It was never needed and should be dismantled. (As should most programs since FDR.) Angle would be only one voice and vote in the Senate and a voice for smaller federal government would not be a bad thing.There are better sources of revenue than cronies for Reid. (I like the guy, it’s just time to reduce government)
Joey says
What’s up with the political comment? We don’t need that in a Photography section.
Jeff Revell says
It’s funny but everyone thought that when the 7D came out it would kill the 50D sales. Strangely though the 50D continued to keep selling. Canon never ceases to amaze me with the number of cameras in their DSLR lineup. You would think that they were cutting their own throats sometimes. All I know is that the 50D was one hell of a great camera and if they managed to add some better high ISO noise reduction along with the video, they will definitely have a winner on their hands.
forkboy1965 says
@Jeff Revell I wonder if the reason the 50D kept selling was because of the 7D price point. If I could get pretty much everything the 7D offers less the better environmental sealing I’d go for the 60D. The 7D is clearly a great camera (love the 100% and very bright viewfinder – a major complaint of my 40D), but it’s price tag worries my bank account.
What I’d really love to see is a reasonably priced full-size sensor. If Canon could create an entry-level full-frame for $2,000 I’d be all over that.
Valerie says
I just want a Canon without the CF card –
I’ve been shooting with my xti for over a year with a bent pin! Can’t take the CF card out – cause I might not be able to shoot again. So I have anxiously been waiting for a step up from the xti – but with an SD card (or something better) that is in my price range! I have tooo much invested in Canon Glass – to switch to Nikon –
I can hope can’t I??
alex says
price????? AUD