It is pretty much all but confirmed that Apple will be unveiling the new “jaw dropping” version of Final Cut Pro at next week’s Final Cut Pro User Group SuperMeet in Vegas.
Apple itself has historically had little presence at the SuperMeets; however, this year, the presentation schedule has been wiped clear just a few days before the event. The prior-scheduled presentations looked to be a pretty big deal in and of themselves – with Avid and Canon (among others) bringing in special speakers to cater to the crowd. According to all reports, this schedule clearing was done at the behest of Apple.
That news, caused the event to sell out last night, and the SuperMeet organizers are scrambling to accommodate more seats at the event. If you are looking for a ticket, you can check at to see if they get more seats.
The only official word of the agenda is a two-sentence statement on the SuperMeet website:
The Final Cut Pro User Group Network is excited to have a very special guest presentation at the 10th Annual Las Vegas FCPUG SuperMeet. Come to see a surprise sneak peek at something very special – you really do not want to miss this one!
Everyone seems to agree that the only cog that could change so much of the SuperMeet’s schedule this late in the game is Apple. And, the only piece of news from Apple that could garner that much undivided attention to this group of people is the unveiling of the new Final Cut Pro.
Scott Simmons weighs in on why Apple is being a jerk for this move – a very, well-reasoned point, if you ask me. Nonetheless, if Final Cut Pro is, in fact, unveiled at the SuperMeet, it will be some of the biggest news to come out of NAB 2011 next week – and it won’t really be an official part of the NAB Show.
See you at the SuperMeet next week!
[…] Final Cut Pro to be announced on April 12? By PR admin | Published: April 6, 2011 According to PhotographyBay, Apple will announce a new version of their Final Cut Pro software on April 12th during the Final […]