One of the big missing pieces to the Final Cut Pro X announcement last night was any mention of the rest of the Final Cut Studio suite of products. As evident from the comments in the live blog post, pros are very interested/concerned about where the FCP X sneak peek leaves Motion, Color, etc. [Read more…]
Final Cut Pro X Annoncement Video [Updated: Better Video]
(I use the word “video” very loosely.) However, I’ve embedded 4 videos below that contain almost all of the FCP X announcement. The videos were shot from the pocket of my camera bag and I was not monitoring the framing (because I was live-blogging the event and taking photos at the same time) – so I’m really sorry about that guys.
Dear Joby, feel free to kick me next time you see me for not bringing a Gorillapod with me. Anyway, you can see a somewhat reasonable amount of the projector and hear the commentary pretty clearly, which will give you a little better insight into the new software (perhaps better than my cursory commentary in the live blog post).
If you missed the live coverage, there are plenty of screen shots there, along with a summary of most of the key new features. Between the live blog coverage and these videos, you should have a decent idea of what FCP X looks like and how it functions. [Read more…]
Final Cut Pro User Group Supermeet – LiveBlog (Updated: Final Cut Pro X Officially Unveiled)
[UPDATE: Final Cut Pro X is now available in the Mac App Store here.]
This will be a live blog feed – with the newest updates at the bottom. (Hit the ‘Refresh’ button for updates.)
There is a crowd growing outside of the conference room of the Final Cut Pro User Group Supermeet right now. We’re all waiting to take our seats to see what everyone at NAB 2011 has been talking about for the past couple of days . . . the unveiling of the next generation of Final Cut Pro. (Let’s just say that better be what happens or their will be complete anarchy here.) [Read more…]
Apple to Unveil New Final Cut Pro on April 12
It is pretty much all but confirmed that Apple will be unveiling the new “jaw dropping” version of Final Cut Pro at next week’s Final Cut Pro User Group SuperMeet in Vegas.
Apple itself has historically had little presence at the SuperMeets; however, this year, the presentation schedule has been wiped clear just a few days before the event. The prior-scheduled presentations looked to be a pretty big deal in and of themselves – with Avid and Canon (among others) bringing in special speakers to cater to the crowd. According to all reports, this schedule clearing was done at the behest of Apple. [Read more…]