Take a look at the above video, which was completely edited in Photoshop (CS6 maybe?).
Right now, you can edit videos in Photoshop CS5 Extended. I’ve done it in the past even with plug-ins applied to video footage. However, if I can get the look I’m after in Premiere Pro or After Effects, I’m going to do that because the process is more streamlined (for now).
However, I’m excited to see what Adobe has up its sleeve because of the following statement at the Photoshop blog from Photoshop Senior Product Manager, Bryan O’Neil Hughes:
Without revealing too much; that’s the magic of what we came up with…anyone can do cuts, transitions, fades, cross-fades…all in seconds. To give you an idea, those things were each chapters in a book before! For tonal adjustments and filters, the experience is exactly like stills – immediate.
Yep. That makes my ears perk up.
Right now, the render time is rough in Photoshop when working with video. It makes After Effects render times look peppy. So, if you tell me that we can smoothly edit video with transitions and applying adjustments and filters without tanking system resources, I’m game.
Could Photoshop’s video plans be Adobe’s response to Apple’s FCP X move?
Hopefully, we’ll have more (maybe a hands-on look?) at NAB 2012.