The latest rumors for the Canon 7D Mark II suggest a 24MP sensor. There’s no mention of sensor size though – with past rumors suggesting that a Canon 70D would fill the top APS-C spot in Canon’s lineup, while the 7D Mark II would become a low-end full frame camera.
The recent release of the Canon 7D firmware upgrade seems a bit at odds with such a release this fall; however, the original 7D is now 3 years old, which puts it in the range for a hardware update based on Canon’s history.
Canon 7D Mark II Rumored Specs
- 24MP – an all new sensor with phase AF on chip and noticeably lower noise than the current 18MP
- 1Dx/5D3 based AF system
- 10 FPS
- ISO 100-25,600
- High speed video, with still capture
- Improved durability and sealing
- Available this year
If it’s coming this year, we should see an announcement around Photokina 2012 or PhotoPlus 2012.
[via Northlight Images]
Rob @ Atlanta Homes says
Having owned most of the Canon 1.6x sensor cameras, I bough on old 5D last year and have been shooting full frame ever since.
Not sure I could go back to the APS-C sensor again. There’s just so much more you can do with the full frame and to be very non technical about it, the images are just more “magical.”
David Johnson says
In the film days I used to use an EOS 3 & 5, however with digital, over the last 5 years I haven’t been able to put the dollars into photography that I would have liked. Currently I still am.using a 350D but will be looking to upgrade shortly. I wonder what price a7D MkII would sit at as a full frame camera? The EOS 6 looks good on the surface, though am thinking of a 5D Mk II as it is a tried and tested camera, especially now it has dropped in price.Definitely want to go full frame…
Pierre says
Can anyone tell me how to do signature gathering to present to the Canon folks to ask them that a camera as heavy as the 7D deserves the same kind of carrying belt attachments as the Nikons have?
On my 7D I have to change the belts twice each year because they wear out in those black slots on the camera. That’s a real shame and it looks very unprofessional!