The Nikon D800 and its 36MP of resolution has sort-of overshadowed Canon’s “lowly” 22MP 5D Mark III in both the resolution and dynamic range department since the cameras were announced earlier this year. If rumors have it right though, Canon’s response could be a throwdown of both the resolution and dynamic range gauntlet later this year.
The latest tip to come in to Canon Rumors says “The emphasis [in the new Canon DSLR] is in the dynamic range of the sensor. Performance is said to be on the level of medium format, even better than the impressive D800.”
Previous rumors have pointed toward a 46MP full frame sensor and possibly a 3D name; however, the naming rumor has now been rebuffed somewhat – suggesting that neither a “3” or a “D” will be used in the new Canon DSLR’s name and that the upcoming megapixel behemoth would, in fact, kick off a new naming scheme.
A new naming scheme certainly makes sense to me. We are several years into the digital realm and there is really no reason to continue tagging a “D” onto the end of Canon DSLR branding. A simple 1, 5, 6 or 7 after the EOS moniker could easily suffice for camera recognition now.
What’s on your wishlist for a high-resolution and wide dynamic range Canon DSLR? What kind of naming scheme do you expect or want to see on future Canon DSLRs?
lets hope all the silly bells and whistles that accompany pro sumer cameras will be left off.
Would be nice to pick up a still camera that was just designed to excel in making still images.
I totally agree ! I will even give up my HDR and GPS to support your point.
Yes Canon, just do it. But please get rid of the mirror. The DSLR mirror is today used to focus on a secondary focus sensor array. Nikon D800 proves that a high resolution sensor in an ordinary DSLR camera body can result in unreliable focus, sometimes loosing the benefit of the high resolution. I applaud Sony for pioneering the high resolution sensor and for pointing out that the appropriate viewer is a high definition EVF, not a big, slow, noisy, moving mirror. Dear Canon, throw in a raw, layered, processable HDR and a GPS and I will be a very happy buyer of a couple of Canon 46.
So why aren’t people at Canon listening?
I’ve been looking for a camera since I stopped shooting large and medium format mid the digital revolution. What I would give to capture large files that came close to prints from film recorded shooting with my Hasselblads!
There are two major camps in the high end photo game, the fast shooters and the slow shooters. Those requiring high frame rates, fast focus speed, and video are represented by sports, journalistic, and event photographers… a sizable share of the pro market. By contrast, studio, architectural, and landscape photographers tend to value resolution and dynamic range over speed… and I’m guessing are a smaller market. Canon clearly aimed the new 5D3 at the fast shooters in a bid for market share. I think, however, they miscalculated on a couple of things with the 5D3: Compared to Nikon’s D800 the Canon seems just an incremental upgrade over the venerable 5D2 and as a consequence doesn’t seem to justify the higher price. I just spent four days on a shoot in Colorado and the dozen or more photographers I spoke with all glossed over the 5D3 and either brought or intended to buy a D800. I suspect Canon are finding an eroding market share with many people jumping ship to Nikon. As such, it doesn’t surprise me to hear rumors of a Canon megapixel monster. I’m in the slow and deliberate camp of photographers needing resolution for large prints and dynamic range for natural light. If Canon comes out with a D800 competitor, I’m all over it.
I’m willing to bet the cost will be substantially higher then the D800, the MKIII is already like $500 more. I’m sure if the rumors are correct, it will be higher MP with higher dynamic range, but with a higher price cost… Maybe $5G or more?
I completely agree. IF this rumor has some truth to it—and I’m skeptical given that Canon has shown no improvement in DR in their newest sensors—I’m betting it will be excessively expensive and excessively heavy.
Agreed. It would and it should.
MP sensors do not belong in DSLRs, which do not have the mechanical precision required. MP sensors belong in high precision mirrorless cameras with an EVF.