Luke Neumann shows 14 bit RAW Cinema DNG before (left) and after (right) (via Planet5D)
It is simply amazing what the Magic Lantern guys keep squeezing out of Canon’s DSLRs.
Now, they have managed to get 14-bit RAW DNG files captured without the mirror dropping or shutter closing between frames. This further paved the way for RAW video that is currently running at 10fps; however, they expect to reach 24fps based on the developments they have seen thus far. This could be huge for Canon 5D Mark II and 5D Mark III shooters.
Even without the video running at full speed, this is a big deal for time lapse shooters who often capture over 1000 frames per sitting. This new development will remove some wear and tear on the shutter and mirror.
There are lots more video-specific examples and thoughts over at Planet5D and No Film School that I won’t rehash again. Check out those links to really dig into the nitty gritty.
Great development. I wonder if the sensor suffers from heat or increased noise levels.
In the message forum on this at Magic Lantern, they posted as seen on this link
Reasons to be cautious about the impact it will have to terms of use for filmmakers and videographers. That is doesn’t record to Cinema DNG RAW format as Black Magic so hold your horses, secondly the data transfer and buffer to card will be hampered by write speeds.
Fantastic, but I’ll wait and let others try it out before voiding my warrantee. Really open to the idea of 2k and 4k for slr canons proved under the $4,000 price point.