Now this would stir the pot a bit….
New rumors suggest that Canon is looking into digital medium format cameras. Specifically, that Canon is investing (possibly with the intent to purchase) a medium format manufacturer. The most obvious choice? Phase One.
Phase One makes some very high-res camera backs, including the IQ280 at 80MP in 645 format with a sensor size of 40.4mm x 53.7mm.
Just how big is that compared to a full frame sensor found in the likes of the 5D Mark III and 1D X?
No matter what resolution Canon rolled in at with a medium format camera, it would shake things up at the higher end of the market. Of course, with 60-80MP almost the norm in the medium camera lines now, I wouldn’t expect much lower of an entry from Canon. And, that would mean a whole new line of high end glass to go with it.
It’s all rumors for now, so take it with a big grain of salt. If Canon were to drop a bomb like this, who would be on board?
[via Northlight]
Somehow Canon Marketing is not doing well !
After a complete big failure with the M series they are investing in another dead born baby !
The 645 Digital is bound to die.
Mamiya 645 is the most complete and yet not used in many studios.
Pentax recently came with another chaper 645 and is going to disappear in the Museum too.
After all that logical study surely Canon should be smart enough to come out with something more popular on the market in Crisis time……?
Who is willing to spend a 80Mpixel, heavy camera and a large Memory card, Stupid ?
god yes: 1st $25,000 I get free & clear, count me in! I would especially love it for taking photo’s of my woman’s pet cat. Pet photos in general. And candid street photography. & I just know, this will change the high speed sport photography business.
Ok, yes-I’m actually all for it if Canon can make it work for them & pros/enthusiasts that have serious $$ to spend. My only real hope here is that it might drive full frame down to the xxd level, perhaps even the high end rebel level. But regardless, I think it would drive full frames down to the 1k level and probably help keep DSLR’s alive for another round or two. Or three.
I would love it if it brought the medium format prices down below $10k.
What will also be interesting, is if Canon will make their medium format cameras do video also. Not just 4k, but 8k and beyond!
Apart from a few high end pros, why?? If true, it sounds like all their markets are mature (DSLR), and being mined to death by cell phones (P&S), and they are desperate for a new angle.
I don’t know… I would rather buy Phase One than Canon…
Based on what it takes to make a hi res lens today I suspect today’s $11,000.00 lenses would come in at $22,000.00. Unless you were a successful studio pro or a rich amateur, good luck. My 5D Mk ll still takes great images with first gen L lenses. I wonder what the limits of current lens technology can tolerate from 80+ mp.
Based on what it takes to make a hi res lens today I suspect today’s $11,000.00 lenses would come in at $22,000.00. Unless you were a successful studio pro or a rich amateur, good luck. My 5D Mk ll still takes great images with first gen L lenses.
no thanks, I will wait for the Nikon version…..2018?
I think the larger format is necessary to get the higher MP count and keeping the noise down. The price however, will be the problem. If the lens sizes have to change thats yet another issue too. Those babies are not cheap as they are let alone making the glass bigger to support the larger mount. If the costs are kept to a reasonable level I do think it will work. With the stellar pricing of the Hasselblads and alike, not so sure.