Holy cow! Panasonic’s new 4K GH4 is now available for pre-order for a mind-boggling $1699. That’s a 4K camera with a large, Micro Four Thirds sensor for $1699. Panasonic just fired a big shot across the rest of the industry’s bow. Check it out here at B&H Photo.
You can also pre-order the GH4 with the Interface Unit for $3299. Check it out here at B&H Photo.
The YAGH Interface Unit itself retails for $1999. Check it out here at B&H Photo.
I’ve been quite interested in making the transition from SLR to M43 for some time and this model looks like it will do it. For what I will lose in shallow DOF, I will gain in other areas. Can’t have it all. But will really enjoy a lighter camera bag. Excited about this model and what if offers!
I won’t be buying one, I find Panasonic cameras look like appliances, at least the knobs are big!
Aahumm JR – please explain what the appearance of a camera has to do with its function? It is not a fashion accessory – its a tool; I guess you must engage in an entirely different kind of photography to the rest of us. This response is not meant to be impolite but your comment apropos of the GH4 does not make sense.
I am less interested in appearances, but I am curious about having a smaller overall outfit and getting into video. A full size DSLR and a few lens is fine when photography is my main goal, but I find I am leaving the bag at home when I travel. I also find it intriguing that 4/3 lenses work on some very small bodies. I do give a lot of weight to how a camera feels though and I would be reluctant to buy one I have never touched. It does seem this model is a significant change to the camera market and it will be interesting to see how the other vendors respond.
Ordered already. Can’t wait. I’ve just received the BMD4K for the place I work at, and the footage is amazing. I will use this camera as a backup.
Even if it is just to output to 1080, the abilities of 4K are amazing.
Eat it RED!