Kai over at DigitalRev recently took the Sony RX100 III and Fuji X30 for a test drive with the intent of finding out which camera is the better advanced pocket shooter.
On the spec side, the RX100 II leads the way with a larger 1″ sensor and higher resolution at 20.1MP. The Fuji X30 has a 2/3″ sensor and 12MP resolution. He covers ergonomics of the two cameras as well and gives quite a bit of attention to the electronic viewfinders. Check out the video above for the full report.
I think I’ve just waisted 10 minutes of my life watching this comparison test !!
After the tester tries to force both cameras into the backside of a chicken , I find astounding that this person holds a job……..any job !!
Of all the cameras and other photography gear that I have seen Kai demonstrate, of all the photographic principles that I have seen Kai discuss and illustrate, I think that the Kai Brand Photographic Gear and the Kai Photographic Principles are the VERY BEST and the most helpful to me!
Kai has greatly assisted me in my efforts to become a good “tog”, a “tog” who also has the most cost effective gear that one could find.
Cheers for the Kai Brand. Cheers for the Kai Principle!
With Respect.