Phlearn is back with a great lighting tutorial using a cheap DIY light setup that costs less than $50. More importantly, Aaron Nace breaks down how to use the lights to get a certain look. He goes further to show his camera’s settings for the shots and how to work with your subject to get the best possible portrait with this setup.
The lights he mentions in the above video can be found currently for $15.99 each here on
loved the DIY lighting lesson. One thing not clear – how do you susoend the lights? are they on a stand, taped to the wall?
That was quite interesting. I really like the idea of inexpensive lighting, but it seems we only got one-half of the story… or maybe one-third.
Notice how they did not at all discuss the very nice and expensive stands to which they had the lights attached. Short of strapping them to stands I suppose one could make down-n-dirty PVC-based stands. But if you’re already into the cash for stands, why not purchase inexpensive studio lights? I know you couldn’t get them for $15/each, but …..
I also noted the camera settings which flashed up on the screen, which I’m very glad to see them do in the video. But I think it shows the limits of these lights. 1/60 @ f/2.8 and ISO 500? Seems to me that means the lights put out very little light as far as the camera ‘see’s’ things.
But still, I like the thinking here even if we are missing some key elements. I know my occasional use of lighting has led me to prefer using a studio light with modeling light as it does make it much easier to see-in-advance what I’m going to get. When I use just strobes I spend more time making adjustments to get it right.