The Canon PowerShot G17 is rumored to be announced in the first half of 2015 as a follow-up to the PowerShot G16. It is expected to include a larger 1″ sensor like we recently saw in the PowerShot G7 X.
Canon PowerShot G17 Rumored Specs
- Ultra bright lens
- f/1.2-2.0
- 24 – 168mm 7x Zoom
- Super UD Lens
- DIGIC 6+
- Large 1? Sensor
- All Magnesium Body
That 24-168mm (equivalent) lens on a 1″ sensor should be quite large if the f/1.2-2.0 aperture is to be believed. It certainly would not be the same size and form factor of the G16 and its predecessors. While there is nothing wrong with that (Canon already has a more compact point and shoot with the G7 X), these lens specs suggest a camera much closer in size to the Sony RX10.
[via Canon Rumors]