New rumors about the upcoming Canon 5D X have surfaced over at the DP Review forums. The rumors claim that the Canon 5D X will feature a single DIGIC 7 quad core processor, while the upcoming 1D X Mark II will have two DIGIC 7 processors and one DIGIC 6 processor (perhaps the DIGIC 6 processor will be used for AF processing?).
According to forum poster MichaelVadon:
The Digic 7 is going to be a quad core cpu which will allow 4x the processing power for high MP, high frame rate bodies. The 5DX will contain one Digic 7 and the 1DX Mark II will contain 2 Digic 7s and 1 Digic 6. The Digic 6 will be for metwring and other smaller tasks. The 1DX will have a different larger battery while thr 5DX will keep going with the same.
This comes from the same forum member that first dropped the 5D X name last month as the camera to replace the 5D Mark III.
Prior rumors about the Canon 5D X have pointed to a 24-28MP sensor, 8-9fps still image frame rate, a new flash system and 4K video capture.
As with all rumors, take these with a heavy dose of salt until we hear something a little more solid than a forum posting.
[Thanks to readers for sending this one in.] If you know something about the 5D X (or whatever it will be called), please drop a line via the contact form.
dbltapp says
Eric Reagan says
Yes. Of course. Thanks. :)