For today (3/28/16) only, you can get 10 packs of Canon 4 x 6 photo paper for $5 direct from Canon USA. Here’s how to do it:
- Go here to Canon USA’s website and add 1 pack of paper to your cart. (The reg. price is $9.99).
- Use the coupon code MARCH28 to get 9 free packs of paper.
- Use the coupon code P160301RR to get an additional 50% off. (You can stack these coupons to get the additional savings).
Final price after shipping should be $10.98.
Canon USA has offered this deal a couple times before and I’ve taken advantage of it before. I’m pretty sure they are clearing out stock since they have an updated version of this paper. But if you print 4 x 6’s (even in a multipurpose office inkjet printer), then it’s a no-brainer deal.
Hi Eric:
I thought that you might like to hear about my experience in trying to complete this sales offer for the 500 sheets of Canon 4×6″ photo paper. I could only seem to get a 50% reduction off the entire original cost of $99.99 plus shipping.
Well, I called Customer Service at about 11:15 PM & was surprised to find it still open & got to talk with a great rep who was also named Eric (do you moon-light for Canon), & he said that there had been a few problems with ordering the offer on the site & if I wanted to, I could place the order with him.
I readily accepted, & although it cost me a few dollars more than your stated quote, I placed my order for a total cost of $16.98, still not too bad a deal all things considered.
I have heard stories of some people having problems with some of their dealings with Canon for different issues, but I just want to say, that that has never happened to me in all my years of dealing with Canon. I say this with crossed fingers as I knock on wood, & whatever else might help cause it has been that good so far.
Thanks for the heads up on the offer!
Jim Kendall 3/28/16
Sorry you had the trouble. I actually did a test run with the promo before posting it (because I still have several packs from my last order) and got the $10.98 price in my cart. They had a special promo a couple week ago that I couldn’t get to work so I didn’t pass it on. Glad they were able to fix it for the most part though.
These never seem to work for me. This is the second time I’ve tried through you, Eric. Also might help if there were a direct link to the paper in question as opposed to the Canon USA website where we need to navigate to the proper product (I tried both the 50pcs of the glossy and 100pcs glossy, note, not photo glossy II) and neither of the aforementioned worked with the deal. The code “MARCH28” wasn’t a valid coupon code last night, nor today… although the 50% off coupon code worked, but only for a single box (or multiple boxes) at full price.
It’s too bad as this is a great deal, on paper :)
I’m really sorry you couldn’t get it to work. It worked for me. I just didn’t complete the checkout.
I’ve used these codes before though – a few months back – and got the 11 packs you see in the Instagram photo above. They even had free shipping as a code when I bought my order. So, it was like $5.45 shipped.
You can see in Jim’s comment above where he talked to Canon on the phone and was told that they were having some problems yesterday.
If I were buying these just a pack at a time, I’d go with Amazon or B&H, where you can find them for $3.99 each, which is better than even the half-price deal of $4.99 from Canon USA.
Hi Eric:
April Fool!!!
Boy, talk about not saying anything; counting your chickens, until it’s done, over, fini, & the money is in the bank, etc., etc.,etc! I just received my Canon 4×6 photo paper & only received part of the order, i.e., 50 sheets of paper, which ended up costing me $16.98!
When I called Canon Customer Service the very nice young lady informed me that the paper had sold out prior to my late night order, & so I received just one 50 count pack! It’s easy to see how an offer can expire prior to a late phone order, but why in the hell didn’t they either, cancel my order, of if not, fulfill it as expected?
What adds fuel to the fire is that this same 50 count pack of photo paper is available from B&H for $3.99, & E-Bay has it for $5.99. Canon will pay for the return shipping & refund my purchase price, but I’ll still be out the $5.99 shipping.
Well, it would have been an OK deal if it had worked out, but I guess now I’ll just have to ship back an empty box with a note saying I decided to keep the paper, but I figured it would only be fair if they had to pay for the return shipping for the empty box. That way we both get stuffed! ;-]
Jim Kendall
That’s ridiculous Jim! I’d be mad too. I would ask to speak with a supervisor with Canon customer service. I only knew about this deal because they sent me an email about it and I passed along the exact details they provided me. I know the coupon codes worked because I had the discount in my own cart at checkout.
That’s pretty sorry customer service from Canon, which is usually ahead of the mark in customer service.
Yea, hi Eric:
I actually did try to go up the chain of command, & got to speak with a “supposed” supervisor, who regretfully informed me that there was nothing that they could do; “sorry”! I’m none too happy about this I can tell you that, but luckily that was the first time I got beat up by Canon, hopefully it’ll be the last.
I got their return postage label yesterday & I still intend on using it to send the box back empty, just for some asinine revenge I guess. Kinda wish I had some lead hanging around to drive the shipping costs up but what the hey, the Postal Service would frown on a few of the other ideas that I had. ;-}
Have a good one;
Jim Kendall – NBSC
That sucks.
I’m gonna ship you 5 boxes of my own paper. I’ll send you an email soon to get your shipping info.
Hi Eric:
Thanks for the offer, but you don’t need to do that, I’m just bummed by the way that Canon handled the offer. You’d think that they were some small on-line gyp joint trying to put out phony offers, & then switch the deal.
I have paper, but I was just trying to take advantage of a good deal while it was available. You’d think that their Customer Service could & would have handled that I bit better than they did. The old saying still remains pertinent; “caveat emptor”, or perhaps in this case, “if it sounds too good to be true…”
Jim Kendall – NBSC
Ok. Fair enough Jim. The offer still stands if you need some.
Thanks again Eric, but I think I’m good.
Jim Kendall – NBSC