Apple has issued Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 3.14, which adds RAW file support to Aperture 3 and iPhoto ’11 for the Canon Rebel T4i and the Sony A37.
Download the update from Apple’s website.
Digital Camera News, Reviews and Tips
By Eric Reagan
Apple has issued Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 3.14, which adds RAW file support to Aperture 3 and iPhoto ’11 for the Canon Rebel T4i and the Sony A37.
Download the update from Apple’s website.
By Eric Reagan
Canon Rumors is pegging Friday, June 8 as the announcement date for the Canon Rebel T4i. Rumored specs include 18MP CMOS sensor (which is the same resolution as the Rebel T3i), 9 cross-type AF points, touchscreen LCD and full-time AF in video mode.
Additional rumored announcements include a revised 18-135mm IS lens and an EF-mount 40mm f/2.8 pancake lens.
This is consistent with last month’s rumors; however, I’m still holding my breath on whether full-time AF in video mode means full-time “functional in real world” AF in video mode.
If it launches this week, we could see the camera on store shelves this month – given the typical quick delivery of Rebel models in past product launches.