Yesterday, I talked about changing camera systems if you were interested in Nikon, Canon or Sony. But what if you don’t want one of those? If you’re interested in Panasonic, Olympus or Pentax then this article is for you. [Read more…]
Changing Camera Systems: The Pros and Cons – Part I
With camera manufacturers in stiff competition with one another, if you pay attention to what features they work hardest on you’ll begin to realize that they also tailor their products to certain segments of the buyers and that many of them pride some features well over others in order to get sales. Recently, I was in search of a new camera system and if you are too, check out this brief list of the pros and cons of each system. This list includes the most popular systems: Nikon, Canon and Sony. The next list will include the rest (which in some ways give the top three a run for their money.) [Read more…]