It was a dark day for film when Kodak killed Kodachrome back in 2009. After Kodachrome stock ran out, there was one final photo lab in the country that could process Kodachrome – Dwayne’s Photo in Kansas. Dwayne’s Photo ran out of the chemicals to process Kodachrome in December 2010, which was the final nail in the coffin for Kodachrome film. [Read more…]
Today is the Day Kodachrome Died for Good
You’ll no longer be able to develop a roll of Kodachrome, which ceased production in 2009. The last developer in world with chemicals to develop the iconic film will run out of those chemicals . . . today.
Check out the great video below that gives you a little taste of Kodachrome history. [Read more…]
1922 Kodachrome Film Test in Color
This little film test from Kodak is a sample of some of the earliest color motion picture film. For some reason, I couldn’t help but smile as I watched it.
“First tests on the Two-Color Kodachrome Process were begun in late 1914. Shot with a dual-lens camera, the process recorded filtered images on black/white negative stock, then made black/white separation positives. The final prints were actually produced by bleaching and tanning a double-coated duplicate negative (made from the positive separations), then dyeing the emulsion green/blue on one side and red on the other. Combined they created a rather ethereal palette of hues.”
Kodachrome is Dead
After slashing HIE-135 Infrared film 18 months ago, Kodak has officially killed Kodachrome film as well. Kodachrome has had served photographers for 74 years.
Here’s Steve McCurry reflecting back on some of his history with Kodachrome – “the gold standard of imagery” as he calls it.
More details on the death of Kodachrome in the press release below. [Read more…]