Don’t do this…
Digital Camera News, Reviews and Tips
By Eric Reagan
By Eric Reagan
I probably should’ve written this post a couple months ago. Many of you have noticed that the posting frequency has decreased over the past few months and have commented or sent me direct emails. I’ve also had a few concerns (thanks) about my well being.
I’m still alive and kicking. All is well. [Read more…]
By Eric Reagan
This weekend, we welcomed Hank aboard as the new Photography Bay mascot. As we were talking about names, I suggested that his full name should be Henri Cartier-Bresson but my superior vetoed that one and we settled on Hank as a name. [Read more…]
By Eric Reagan
For those of you who access Photography Bay via Google Reader, things are going to change on June 30, which is when Google is officially killing off Google Reader.
I’ve used Google Reader for years and was very sad to hear this news. However, there are some other options out there.
One of the best is Feedly, which is what I switched to. You can migrate your Google Reader account directly to Feedly with little more than a login. Feedly keeps your organization pretty close to the same and works much like Google Reader.
If you’re tired of dealing with RSS feeds, you can keep up with the latest stuff on our Facebook or Twitter accounts. Additionally, you can subscribe via email to have posts delivered directly to your email.
If you have another RSS reader that you prefer to use over Google, you can get Photography Bay’s feed URL here.
By Eric Reagan
Have you ever wondered the path that a pack takes after you mail it? All the vehicles on which it travels and hands that touch it?
Ruben van der Vleuten, Industrial and Interaction designer, put a hidden camera in a package to capture its journey, which you can see the below video. [Read more…]
By Eric Reagan
I sat down with Jimmy Beltz over at PhotoTips earlier this week as part of his weekly podcast series. We talked about my recent trip to CES 2013 and some of the new gear that was shown there.
Jimmy and I also talked about what might be happening with upcoming cameras from Canon and Nikon, as well as a little bit of my backstory with Photography Bay. If you make it through all 45 minutes of my Tennessee accent, kudos to you. Show notes for the stuff we talked about are here at PhotoTips.
You can check out other episodes of the PhotoTips podcast here.
By Eric Reagan
We hear so much noise in the media about fashion photography and the use (overuse?) of Photoshop. However, as model Cameron Russell notes in her TED talk below, there’s so much more than Photoshop that goes into the construction of fashion photography.
Beyond that though, Russell digs into the power of image and how it has affected her life and the lives others who don’t necessarily look like the typical runway model.
Check out the video below. [Read more…]
By Eric Reagan
If you’ve ever stumbled upon the Science Channel’s show ‘How It’s Made’ then you know the manufacturing process of common and rather mundane items can be fascinating. Well, this Friday, Dec. 28, cine cameras will be featured as one of the items. The episode will be on at 8PM ET. [Read more…]
By Eric Reagan
Rather than using Photoshop trickery, Ford commissioned master of disguise Liu Bolin to paint cars into the background to convey the message that the new Fusion makes other midsize sedans disappear as part of the 2013 Ford Fusion ad campaign.
Check out the timelapse BTS video below to see how the real world content-aware fill was put together. [Read more…]
By Eric Reagan
Here’s a great little vignette with Gregory Heisler talking about the things it takes to get genuine expressions on portrait subjects.
[Stumptown Visuals via PetaPixel]