Photoshop CS5 is easily the biggest elephant in the room at Photoshop World 2010. Photoshop CS5 has an official launch date of April 12, 2010. Several of the NAPP and Adobe crew members have been working with Photoshop CS5 and dropped several hints about new features throughout the first day, along with a wink and a nudge.
During the opening keynote this morning, we were treated to a real time demo of a couple of new features, including the amazing new Content Aware Fill and auto lens correction features. Hit the video above to see it in action.
In addition, Adobe has put up some more videos on its YouTube channel that demonstrate this cool Content Aware Fill feature. Check out some more hands-on below.
Stay tuned for more action from Photoshop World 2010.
I must say that I’m still with the CS3…The CS4 design was too much for me to adjust.
i will love the lens correction function, interested to see if it works fine with my photos made with 8mm, and the automate mode for all the photos from a file.
You know I have to admit I find these developments incredible, truly. In fact I can’t even wait to use them and try it on several photos I’ve struggled with objects in for years. But you know what? I also find these new tools utterly and completely terrifying.
Technology is killing so many industries and I think this is one of the last major hits to the photographic one. There are the obvious problems: Everyone and their mother has a semi-pro RAW shooting DLSR. Hundreds of programs that allow you to change almost every aspect of a photo, etc. But now its a whole new level. The program will CREATE content for you. And get this, you don’t even have to use the right lens! Its not only eliminating the ability to distinguish your average Joe from true professionals but its eliminating the need to buy camera hardware! We’ve gone from knowing how to shoot, to playing around with it digitally for 10 minutes until “it looks cool” before printing.
To me, this kind of advance is what’s turning the term “fix it in post” to just plain “make it on the computer”. Does that make me less excited to use it? No, but I am worried that the meaning of art photography is going to become completely lost in the next few years as photoshop and camera companies continue to make all processes automated.
I’d be interested in hearing what the Photography Bay writers think about this. In a life of reviewing cameras and following trends you must have books worth of opinions on how these developments change the nature of photography itself. Anyone up to a quick email interview?
Thanks for your time and keep posting, this is a great blog.
By the way,this is my contribution to the PS CS5 “sneak peak” madness
My new discover PS CS5 “Prediction Tool”