Well, Canon just stirred the pot. Engadget received the above invitation for an announcement of something big from Canon on November 3, 2011. The prominent display of the Hollywood location leads to the obvious suggestion that Canon is finally set to premiere its serious, large-sensor video camera.
We’ve been waiting for this announcement for a long time. In the mean time, we’ve seen Panasonic and Sony introduce pro-grade camcorders like the AF100 and FS100, respectively. Now, Sony is even on its second generation of APS-C format consumer camcorder. So, with a teaser like this, anything less will leave us puzzled.
What would you like/expect to see announced from Canon on November 3?
Canon 5D Mark III Of course!
I hope so!!!
Ditto what Alex said
EF mount camcorder ( 4k video 48pfs )
Maybe they’ve decided to go head to head with RED and announce a modular professional camera for filmmaking. Something in the $50K range. Either that, or a prosumer platform in the $5K range. The Hollywood announcement to me says professional grade. As much as I think of the 5D, maybe we’re about to shift away from the DSLR as a pro platform.
5D Mark II upgrade body..
5D Mark III
EOS 1ds Mark IV
a mirrorless
That would change the game…
I have been avoiding video for the last 30years – work “after” work. A mirrorless DSLR would change the game for Canon. I shoot concerts and like most others, weddings, where tye sound of the shutter can be distracting to the event. On the other hand, it let’s them know “we” are working.
I think they are headed towards a major corporate restructuring with a probable split or even sell-off of divisions, concurrent with acquisition of assets that fit their core interests.
This could be a step in that direction.
What would I like to see? “Proof-of-Life” for the 400/2.8L II.
what do you mean for proof of life for the 400mm?
An EOS 5D MARK III or, still better from my point of view, an EOS 3D (a professional updated and more ergonomic 5D II optimised for stills only, i.e. without video).
I agree with Steve Johns – talking with photography colleagues the ideal would be a stills only camera – why do we continually have to have video when its not needed by many pro photographers – I have not upgraded for a few years now because of this.
This will have nothing to do with an EOS camera. It will be a 4K camera that also has an EF lens mount.
I’ll be surprised if it’s an announcement of upgrades to any of the EOS cameras.
Lion support
I find it funny how all the old time “pro” photographers say they don’t need video. Which is really an ignorant statement to the reality that any video from 24 to 200+ frames is really at core still photography at the cutting edge. With HDR function technology in still and video cameras you take out the guess work and eliminate the lost shot potential inherent in still photography. HDR video with a range of 7 stops of latitude on a fast lens with ISOs that see in the near virtual darkness compared to the human eye, who wouldn’t want that? Why stand on the grounds that there is no need for video on a HDSLR. The RED Epic at 14 mpegs can out shoot any still camera in the world. Won’t be long that the cost will come down. Canon sold more 5Dmk2s because of video than it would have if the camera was a stills only. Along with that came the purchase of at least 3 L series lens for most serious users. The writing is on the wall, video is the new future to DSLRs, the obstacle is to take that 5K sensor already there and output something other than that crappy looking H.264 codec. Create a platform camera that supports your core business, Canon doesn’t sell cameras, Canon sells glass and more glass than any other lens maker on the planet. If Canon can make a RED knockoff using the same tech they have used for years in the Pro video line, merging with it the Pro Broadcast glass and Pro Still glass, then you have a market dominator. I can tell you I will be the first in line to drop big dough on that camera even if it has only half the features of the Current RED and Sony 35 Sensor sized cameras.
I can understand this well-reasoned point of view and the several valid arguments it makes as well as other points in its favour. I personally have no need whatsoever for a video capacity in a DSLR, but I can understand the requirements of those who do which is why I (and a number of colleagues), far from being “old” Pros camped on an overtaken-by-events position, would welcome both an upgraded vido-capable 5DIII for those who want it and also a brand new 3D model optimised for stills only which would push back other technological barriers and be more robust, weatherproof and a whole lot better from the ergonomic point of view than the 5DII as well as having a great low-light, noise-free capability.
an affordable mirrorless
2K: 100fps
Red Cinema just announced the other day that on the same day (Nov 3) they will be revealing the Red Scarlet