Recent rumors point to a Canon 70D arriving as early as next month. Previous rumors suggested a 24MP in the 70D, as well as the rumored 7D Mark II.
Having similar (or even the same) sensor in the 70D and 7D Mark II doesn’t seem to be a problem given the common 18MP sensor found in the 60D and 7D. A number of features set them further apart than just the sensor.
That said, the 70D is rumored to be more on the level of the Canon 50D build than what we see in the smaller and more plastic Canon 60D. Returning to this size and build quality suggests that the 7D Mark II would likely move further into a more “pro” realm of build quality and features – even though it would still feature an APS-C sensor.
Would the rumored redesign to bring the 70D back into 50D build quality realm be more welcome? Or, do you prefer the smaller size and lower price of the Canon 60D?
[via CR]
The smaller build of the 60D, and “dumbed down” dial are what has kept me from going with the 60D – so I do hope they move the 70D back up deeper into the “prosumer” end of things.
Total crazy in the Camera Industry. Have they lost their minds?
They just release a new Canon now exactly the same APS C in a higher pixel.
They should come out with a much better M model and much better lens option.
It’s time to make the transition to an APS-H sensor for both 70D and 7D mk2. Possibly a full-frame sensor for 7D MK2. That’s what I want. It would be a pleasant surprise as least for me.
I like the size of the 60D, but a magneiseum alloy body would be hice. A 6D with a new apsc chip in it.
For macro and bird photography the cropped sensor in the 7D mk2 would be a must. I have the full framed 5d mk3 – beautiful camera, not as suitable as the 7D for the two mentioned uses.
Dear Canon: Being firmly entrenched in the prosumer category, I think I speak for a lot of us who are ready for an upgrade of the 40D and 50D-type camera. It’s long overdue! I assumed the 7DMkII was my next move after you went the odd, “somewhere between a Rebel and a 50D” route with the 60D. I love my 40D, but the ISO rating is ancient history. Just give us a prosumer that has the pricetag, feature range and build quality of a 40D/50D and the upgraded ISO capabilites that you have available in 2013, and we’ll flood your bank account with new orders. Promise!
I’m anxious to see what the 70d offers. Hoping for at least the 19pt AF of the 7D if not better, a new sensor and MFA. I hope Canon will retain the 60D size but that’s not a deal breaker.
Tiz a puzzlement! It seems as if Canon is building this big hole in the $900-$2000 price range with a plethora of confusing choices and relatively little product differentiation. APS-C, APS-H (?), FF, plastic body, magnesium body, whether to weather seal or not, and then throw in a “up-market” mirrorless offering and there ought to be something for everyone. As for
me, I’d like a simpler offering – forget the video nonsense, the GPS, the stereo record and the like and give me a simple, cheap, durable, reliable camera.
It is amazing to see how any people popo the 60D poly case. As a space material engineer said to me “Glenn the case on the 60D is superior to about 90 percent of the cameras on the market”, larger heavier cameras do nothing for the photographer. Let me tell you for 90 % of the work I do, I prefer the 60D over the 5D MK III.
If the proposed 70D has a larger sensor and full video AF and keeps the size and weight of the 60D fine if not Canon should drop the 50, 60 70? series and concentrate on the 6D and 7D. A photographer here in Ottawa sadly said read 20 reviews and look or the common element there lies the truth.
Having owned a 5D, 10D, (2) 30D, 40D & 50D, and, now 5D Mk II & 7D, I was disenchanted w/ the 60D. To me, the 50D was the culmination of the incremental upgrades made from the 10D model. Unfortunately for me, it was the first modern digital CANON camera that I did NOT purchase an extended warranty, and it failed catastrophically just after the OEM warranty period expired. However, I DO agree w/ some of the other comments that there seems to be a significant void between feature sets & price points. I also agree that I’d like to have a VERY RELIABLE & RESOLUTE camera WITHOUT the movie-making capabilities. In both of my current bodies, I have never attempted to capture video…. have NO interest in that form of photography. However, I DO really enjoy using the 5D Mk II & the 7D. Sometimes it’s very difficult for me to choose which one I’m going to bring with me to a photo op. A “70D” with a strong frame, either an APS-C or APS-H sensor, multi-focus & metering points ala the 7D & 5D, and using the SAME battery as the 7D would be a nice addition, all coming in around the $1100 – $1400 price range would be ideal in my estimation.
I agree with the viewpoint of Glenn McLeod. I am a 60D owner. This is the only digital SLR that I have owned, although I still own some classic 35mm and large format film cameras. The old film cameras with their metal bodies feel less rugged to me than the much newer, plastic-bodied 60D. I think its aluminum substructure does the job. I have had absolutely no concerns or problems with the 60D body. It feels sold and substantial, and quite suitable for its target market.
I think Canon’s direction on the 60D was the right one at the time, which is why I bought the camera. The feature set was what I was looking for, but if it had been made more expensive due to a magnesium alloy body, then I may have purchased something cheaper, giving up the features that I wanted.
Canon is in an awkward position with respect to the current market. The plethora of high-quality mirrorless and compact cameras (I own an Olympus Pen myself) has put a squeeze on the APS-C DSLR market. Canon still has the Rebel line for those who want an inexpensive SLR. So, who would want or buy a 70D, unless it had something to really distinguish it from a Rebel? Adding a metal body and other higher specs to the 70D will push up its price compared with the 60D, which will in turn drive up the price of an even higher-spec’d 7D Mark II even more.
As pointed out by Bron, there is still a place for high-specification APS-C DSLRs in the worlds of nature, sport and macro photography, but I think that market is shrinking. If Canon is going to keep a line of prosumer or even professional APS-C DSLRs, then they need to go whole-hog and create some professional-grade (i.e. large aperture and weather-sealed) long EF-S telephoto lenses that do not have the gargantuan size and weight of current EF lenses. The 70D and 7D Mark II need some “L” series lenses built specifically for EF-S (APS-C) cameras.
My 60D was dropped from chest height to a concrete floor. Both the camera and the L lens attached to it survived nicely. Unless I plan to use my camera for personal protection, the 60D is ‘tough enough’ for me.
I must admit that I too wonder why so much is made of the body structure. How often is it that we plan on dropping our reasonably expensive, highly pondered over and much loved pieces of technology anyway ?? Should we perhaps remember that significantly older and unbelievably inexpensive technology exists to allay these fears … the camera strap ?? Have we also forgotten that the lens which would most likely be attached to it contains an amount of glass, and if it’s a decent lens will be worth as much as, if not more than, the 60D itself ?? Perhaps Canon should address the glass issue as well ?? To me, if the feature set that suited my needs was contained in a pinhole camera made of cardboard and achieved better results than a camera which matches my microwave oven, maybe I’d be better off just learning how to use it. The most productive comment that I’ve ever read simply said; ‘any DSLR you purchase will be capable of taking better photo’s than you can’. I agree, and isn’t it about the photo’s ??