Anyone who said Adobe would rest on its laurels with updating its software now that it is subscription only may have a change of heart after seeing how Adobe has already updated Premiere Pro CC. The new update adds 25 new features – several of which I can see speeding up my own workflow.
The first one is a big helper: “create a unique title by duplicating a sequence title.”
Previously, when you alt-drag to copy (a feature introduced in CS6) a title clip in a sequence, it would just duplicate that instance of the title. And, if you made changes to the title, it affected the original clip as well (b/c it’s a duplication of that title clip). Now, if you alt-drag to copy a title clip in a sequence, you get a brand new title clip that you can edit independently of the clip you just copied.
It saves a few mouse clicks for each duplication. And those mouse clicks add up over the course of editing a sequence. I’m pretty happy about this one.
Dragging clips to the source monitor from Finder is another cool one.
The update is available through the Creative Cloud app manager.
Check out the full list of new features below. [Read more…]