Sony has announced its new A9 mirrorless camera. As the flagship of its Alpha lineup, the Sony A9 features a 24MP full frame stacked CMOS sensor that captures up to 20 frames per second. It uses an electronic shutter for shutter speeds up to 1/32,000s and can shoot those high frame rates with no viewfinder blackout.
Using high-speed UHS-II SD cards (in its dual card slots), the Sony A9 can shoot up to 241 continuous (compressed) RAW images or 362 JPEG images at the 20fps burst rate. Sony has improved the processing speed in the A9 to be 20x faster than previous full frame Alpha models. The camera offers 693 phase-detect AF points with 60 AF/AE tracking calculations per second. It also features 5-axis in-body image stabilization with 5-stops of camera shake correction. [Read more…]